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Call to Youth Artists, Creatives and Collectives in Brampton PIXEL: Digital Art Exhibition

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project: PIXEL: Portfolio Digital Art Exhibition in Garden Square

Exhibition Title: PIXEL: Portfolio
Payment: $350 CAD per accepted submission

Apply Now

The Brampton Arts Organizations (BAO) and Garden Square Brampton are seeking artwork of up to 25 Brampton-based youth artists, creatives, or arts collectives with members who are aged 14-29 years old to have their work featured on the 24' LED screen in Garden Square in downtown Brampton for select weeks from February - May​ 2025.

Every month, six youth creatives will have their work featured daily with content running continuously from 11am-12pm and 5-6 pm, with additional features across Garden Square, BAO, and City social media channels and recreation screens. The exhibition will culminate with an in-person exhibition during Brampton's Youth week (May 2025). Timing subject to change.

We are seeking submissions from youth aged 14-29 years old, who are interested in pursuing professional creative careers, building their professional portfolio, and adding exhibition experience to their resumes. We are seeking a collection of artistic styles that captures the diversity, talent and wide range of creative pursuits of the next generation of Brampton artists, creatives and performers. Submissions can include but are not limited to:

  • Still images (digital art, photography, illustrations, paintings); or
  • Moving images* (theatre, video art, digital art, short animations, dance music videos) - Up to 3mins
  • Physical works (ceramics, beading, weaving, sculptures, clothing, furniture, etc.)
  • Poetry, spoken word performances

Youth creatives are encouraged to explore their creative practice in their application. This unique opportunity is open to any genre or medium of creative expression and strives to showcase a variety of young creatives. For examples of what the exhibition will look like, please see Appendix A at the end.

Garden Square is a public square located at the Four Corners in Downtown Brampton (intersection of Queen and Main). As a public space, screen content including exhibition artwork will be seen by a diverse audience including families and small children and the selection panel will, at its discretion, determine if the submitted material is not suitable.

Submission Parameters

  • Artwork can be new or recent original work and include any medium or genre in a digital format according to the specifications detailed below. Abstract and non-representational works are welcomed and encouraged.
    • If selected, you will have the opportunity to have your work professionally photographed for display on the screen.
  • You can only submit 1 artwork for consideration and may apply only once.
  • Final artwork specifications:
    • Resolution - Minimum 300 dpi in full size
    • Image Dimensions - for 16x9 format, 1920px x 1080px resolution or greater, will also accept 1080 x 1920, for 1x1 format, 1200 x 1200
    • File Type - Artwork to be sent in a .tiff, .ai, .psd, or .jpg format.
    • Video works to be sent in high resolution MP4 format and a maximum of 3 minutes in length. Audio is allowed and encouraged. If your piece is selected, you will be required to provide a captioned version.
  • PSAs or advertising materials will not be considered.

Content Requirements

Content should be both suitable and relevant for presentation on an urban screen as it is located within a highly visible public space that is accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. Content with explicit use of alcohol, smoking, illegal drugs, horror, offensive language, nudity, explicit sexual activity and/or violence will not be considered appropriate


Creatives selected for this opportunity will be paid a one-time payment of $350.00+ HST Canadian Dollars (if HST is applicable) * to:

  • Have your work presented on the Garden Square LED screen for a period of up to 1 month and featured across the social media and websites of Garden Square Brampton, BAO, and the City.
  • Promote your participation in the exhibition online and on social media, tagging @gardensquarebrampton @baobrampton and #PixelDigitalArtExhibition on each post related to the project.

*The payment is expected to cover any necessary costs or materials, and no further compensation will be made to the artist for costs associated with participating in the project.

*Please note that participants under 18 years of age will be required to have a parent or guardian provide payment/invoice information on their behalf

Selection Process and Criteria

Artist Eligibility

  • Youth must be between the ages of 14 - 29 at the time of application
  • Youth must currently have a Brampton address within 6 months of applying

Selection Process

This Call welcomes applications on an ongoing basis until October 13, 2024. Submissions will be evaluated by BAO staff and local artists (the “Selection Panel”) according to the following criteria:

  • The artwork's suitability to the exhibition theme and presentation method.
  • The Selection Panel will prioritize applicants who self-identify as belonging to one (or more) of the following groups or intersecting marginalized identities: Indigenous, Persons of Colour, Deaf Persons, Persons with Disabilities, Newcomers and Persons Living with Mental Illness, 2SLGBTQIA+.
    • We strongly encourage applications from these communities and will strive to accommodate applicants with a disability during our process per the Ontario Human Rights Code guidelines and other applicable legislation. If you wish to self-identify, please do so via your submission.

The Brampton Arts Organization (BAO) reserves the right to select and retain the artist(s) deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. BAO, at its sole discretion, may request clarifications or request additional information, as deemed necessary to e​​valuate the submissions. BAO reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified creatives or teams. BAO reserves the right to not proceed with awarding an honorarium.

Submission Requirements

To apply, please complete our online submission form by 11:59 pm on October 13, 2024.

Example Presentation Templates

All branding elements for PIXEL: Digital Art Exhibition will be created by Garden Square's graphic designers. These are preliminary examples of how artwork may appear on screen. For video files, a cover image will be added to not interfere with the formatting of the ​work.

Reserved Rights of the Brampton Arts Organization (BAO)

The individual and/or guardian will retain all rights, title, and interest, including moral rights, to the submitted work. The individual and/or guardian will provide BAO a broad irrevocable, paid-up, royalty-free, and otherwise cost-free license to use, publish, reproduce, adapt, exhibit, copy, and create derivative works for the submitted works, including the right to modify the size of the work submitted with respect to this opportunity.

The individual and/or guardian understands that BAO will keep any documents of any type, including images, submitted by the person in accordance with its record-keeping obligations as required by applicable statutes, regulations, and by-laws. The individual and/or guardian represents and warrants that they are the exclusive owner of the rights conveyed to BAO and that the individual and/or guardian has full power and authority to license the submitted work.

The individual and/or guardian warran​ts and represents that the submitted work is original to the creator and does not violate any intellectual property rights of any other person or entity contrary to the Copyright Act or otherwise provided at law.


Applicants are asked to complete the submission form before October 13, 2024, at 11:59 pm

Apply Now

Submission Accessibility Support

Applicants who require additional resources, assistance or time to apply are asked to request this assistance at least one week in advance of the submission deadline. To do so, or for additional information, please contact

Additional Information

For additional information or questions, please contact: Amanda Foulds, Education and Community Engagement Coordinator at