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Pixel Artist


Cedric/Cece B. profile picture

A creative based in Brampton, their name is Cece/Cedric, and you will have to figure out all of my other names ;). First and foremost, they are a community member of Brampton, the Philippines (Pangasinan), and many other places in which they call home. Their art aims to provoke folks in different ways- including abstraction, capturing reality, and mixing media. They hope to inspire folks to find community in unlikely places, work past preconceived notions and stereotypes of people, and ultimately find love in community. Art should be therapeutic, cathartic, personal, political, abstract (yet real), and it can be all these things and so much more. They hope to contribute to a cultural landscape of Brampton that tells our story to the world, accurately.

Their main mediums at the moment are poetry, photography, film, trumpet, and collaging. For them, art is a cathartic way to express and abstract and all of their parts into different ways of creating. Art is therapy, art is political, art is life and it reflects the material conditions of different cultures and societies throughout history. It is contextual, ephemeral, and at the same time somehow everlasting. Their purpose in creating art is to mobilize and organize folks into finding solidarity along all intersectionalities (class, ethnic background, sexuality, etc.) and finding humanity in each other. They hope that the near riddles in their writing provoke multiple reads, get read out loud, and encourage folks to play with rhyme, form, structure, and metaphors (especially compounding ones). Through photography, they hope to document life as it is and what it could be and do so in an ethical way. They hope that through film, they can tell stories of the people they love. Through trumpet, they hope to find catharsis. Through collaging, they hope to abstract reality and create fantastical landscapes intertwined with writing.

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Phantom Fingers Remember

"Nostalgia, abstraction, the way in which we play with the window during a long drive, Chingacousy park, summer in the park, friends fingers finding mine with love."