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Pixel Artist


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Kevin V. Sanichar is a published photographer and lens-based artist from Toronto and Brampton. He received a Diploma in Digital Marketing from Concordia University. His work has been shown in two group gallery exhibitions and on the Garden Square billboard in Brampton, as part of the PIXEL: Digital Art Exhibition series. His work has been featured by Porter Airlines, Bank of Montreal, Lomography USA, France, UK. His analog film series “Wildfire 2088” has been published in an international article for Lomography Magazine. Kevin V. is currently in the fourth and final year of his Lomography universe analog film project.

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Hothouse Flower in Flower City

"Fragile and vulnerable: words that describe a flower that needs a hot house to bloom into its best form. Shot on experimental Lomography Purple 35mm film in Brampton aka Flower City, this piece shows a hothouse flower emerging from the darkness full of beauty, vibrancy and strength with multiple layers left to bloom. To embody the hothouse flower energy, it's an opportunity to nurture the divine feminine within and consciously choose to surround yourself with an environment that best aligns with your higher self and know that things do indeed get better in time."