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Managing Spongy Moth (LDD moth)

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Spongy Moth (also known as Lymantria Dispar Dispar or LDD moth), formerly known as the European Gypsy Moth,​ is a defoliating (feeding on leaves) insect that is considered a major pest in North America. The caterpillar, or larva stage of the insect, eats the leaves of trees making them more susceptible to disease and damage from other insects.​

Spongy Moths have been present in Brampton for more than 10 years. Over the last three years, in Brampton and neighbouring municipalities, populations of Spongy Moth have reached higher than normal levels.

To control the population growth and protect vulnerable trees from defoliation, the City of Brampton is taking on additional measures as part of an Integrated Pest Management program.


 Frequently Asked Questions

 2023 Spongy Moth Management Plan

  • ​​​Tree ScrapingDuring the winter months, Horticulture and Forestry staff conducted egg mass scrapping in some parks and streets. The removal of the egg masses help lessen the numbers of larva hatched in the coming season and reduce damage to trees.​
  • In June, staff will be spraying street trees and woodlot edges with btk to control the caterpillars. These areas have been identified from egg mass counts conducted over the winter months. ​Btk has been approved by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (Health Canada). Staff will only spray trees that are located on City property they will not spray trees on private property. ​Notice to residents in these areas will be provided in advance of spraying.
  • A pheromone trapThis July, Parks staff will be installing pheromone traps in selected woodlots to detect the numbers for future egg mass counting. Staff will be monitoring the traps and removing them in August.​​​​


Contact Brampton Urban Forestry