| Additional Residential Units (ARUs) Registration By-law | 157-2022 | To require the registration of additional residential units (ARUs) in the City of Brampton and to repeal By-law 87-2015, as amended |
| Administrative Authority | 216-2017 | To delegate certain powers and duties under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25, the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P. 13 and other Acts, and to repeal By-law 191-2011 |
| Administrative Penalties (Non-Parking) | 218-2019 | To Establish a System of Administrative Penalties (Non-Parking) |
| Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) | 333-2013 | To Establish a System of Administrative Penalties |
| Administrative Penalty By-law for Contraventions Detected Using Camera Systems | 78-2024 | To establish and implement an Administrative Penalty System for Contraventions Detected Using Camera Systems
| Adult Entertainment Establishment | 114-2017 | To provide for a system of licensing of adult entertainment establishments, to amend By-laws 42-2008 and 191-2011, and to Repeal By-law 1-2002 |
| Animal Services By-law 201-2023 | 201-2023 | To regulate the keeping of animals in the City of Brampton, including provisions for animal identification, and prohibit wildlife feeding, and to repeal By-laws 261-93, 250-2005 and 238-2011 |
| Boulevard Maintenance and Highway Obstruction | 163-2013 | To repeal Boulevard Maintenance By-law 133-97 and replace it with a Boulevard Maintenance and Highway Obstruction By-law |
| Brampton Appeal Tribunal | 48-2008 | To create the Brampton Appeal Tribunal and establish its rules of procedure |
| Building By-law | 387-2006 | Construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections, classes of permits, permit fees and refunds |
| Business Licensing | 184-2023 | To provide for a system of licensing for stationary businesses and to repeal Business Licensing By-Law 332-2013, as amended. |
| Temporary Outdoor Patio Expansions | 103-2020 | To facilitate Temporary Outdoor Patio Expansions in an effort to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 |
| Carbon Monoxide Alarm | 275-98 | To prescribe maintenance and occupancy standards for dwelling units with respect to carbon monoxide alarms.
| Confiscatory Powers | 93-93 | (Extract) To prohibit the sale of goods on a highway.
| Development Charges | 167-2014 to 173-2014 | To establish development charges for the City of Brampton |
| Driveway Permit | 105-2019 | To Regulate the Installation, Construction, Paving, Resurfacing, Expansion and Alteration of Residential Driveways Note: Repealed by By-law 3-2021
| Elderly Residents Tax Credit | 57-2010 | To provide a tax rebate for eligible property owners and to repeal By-law 105-93.
| Emergency Plan By-Law | 58-2024 | To adopt an Emergency Management Program and Emergency Plan for The Corporation of the City of Brampton and to repeal By-law 265-2014 and By-law 56-2016.
| Electronic Signature | 257-2020 | To authorize and govern the execution of documents by electronic signature |
| Line Fence By-Law and Procedures | 172-2006 | To provide that the Line Fences Act, R.S.O. Ch. L17 does not apply to all or any part of the municipality (The Division Fence By-law), and to repeal By-laws 9-74, 115-82 and 190-2004.
| Fire Alarms | 279-93 | To require the care and maintenance of Building Fire Alarm Systems.
| Firearm Replicas | 48-92 | To prohibit the manufacture, display, marketing for sale or sale of a replica of a firearm in the City of Brampton.
| Fireworks | 243-2022 | To regulate and prohibit the sale and discharge of fireworks, to provide for the issuance of permits for the discharge of fireworks, to repeal By-law 163-2016 and to amend By-law 218-2019 (Administrative Penalties –Non-Parking) |
| Grass and Weed Cutting By-law | 166-2011 | To require the owners or occupants of private property to cut grass and weeds on their premises and remove the cuttings and to repeal By-law 121-90 |
| Grow House Abatement | 361-2004 | To establish a means of recovery of costs of police attendances at marijuana Grow Houses to abate public nuisances and to amend User Fee By-Law 380-2003.
| Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program | 266-2011 | To establish a Designated Heritage Property Incentive Grant Program
| Lobbyist Registry By-law | 149-2015 | To establish and maintain a Lobbyist Registry in the City of Brampton |
| Lottery Licensing By-law | 121-2012 | To establish a system of licensing for lotteries |
| Mobile Licensing | 67-2014 | To provide for a system of licensing for mobile businesses |
| Noise | 93-84 | To prohibit and regulate noise. |
| Numbering of Lots | 157-2005 | To provide for the numbering of lots and buildings within the City of Brampton and to Repeal By-law 134-97. |
| Open Fires | 91-94 | To prescribe the time during which fires may be set in the open air and the precautions to be observed by persons setting out fires under the Municipal Act
| Parklands | 161-83 | To provide for the management, control regulations, maintenance and usage of all parklands and water areas situated within parklands and properties owned by The Corporation of the City of Brampton for park or recreation purposes
| Parkland Dedication | 242-2022 | To require the conveyance of parkland or the payment in lieu of parkland pursuant to the Planning Act and to repeal By-law 283-2013 |
| Physical Distancing | MO 1-2020 | To promote and regulate physical distancing during the COVID-19 Emergency |
| Planning Fee By-Law | 85-96 | To Establish a Tariff of Fees By-law with Respect to Planning and Other Municipal Applications. |
| Pool Enclosure By-law | 202-2011 | To require the construction of fences and gates around privately owned pools sufficient to promote a secure environment and provide a minimum level of safety for the protection of the public and to repeal By-law 95-92, as amended |
| Procedure By-Law | 160-2004 | To provide rules governing the order and proceedings of the council and the committees of the council of The Corporation of the City of Brampton. |
| Property Standards | 165-2022 | To prescribe minimum standards for the maintenance and occupancy of properties in the City of Brampton and to repeal By-law 104-96 |
| Protecting Places of Worship from Public Nuisance Demonstrations By-law 173-2024 | 173-2024 | To prohibit nuisance demonstrations
| Public Nuisance | 136-2018 | To prohibit or regulate Public Nuisance |
| Purchasing | 19-2018 | To provide for the procurement of goods, services, and construction (the Purchasing By-law) and to repeal By-law 310-2015 |
| Records Retention | 272-2014 | To adopt a new Records Retention By-law to establish a Schedule of Retention Periods for the Records of the City of Brampton and to Repeal By-law 163-2008, as amended |
| Refuse and Dumping By-law | 381-2005 | To prohibit the dumping of refuse in Brampton and to require that owners and occupants of lands in Brampton keep their land clear of refuse, graffiti and stagnant water
| Residential Rental Licensing By-law 216-2023 | 216-2023 | To Establish a Licensing Program for the Regulation of Residential Rental Housing in the City of Brampton in Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7
| AMPS Screening and Hearings Officer By-law | 334-2013 | To establish Screening and Hearings Officers for the AMPS Program |
| Second Unit Registration | 87-2015 | To require the registration of second residential units in the City of Brampton |
| Sewage | 90-75 | To control the discharge of sewage into the storm sewage system of the Municipality and to regulate the use of public and private sewers, and the installation and connection of storm sewer connections to the public storm sewer systems and watercourses.
| Short-Term Rental By-law | 165-2021 | To license, regulate and govern Short-Term Rentals |
| Signs | 399-2002 | To regulate the use and erection of signs |
| Site Alteration By-law 119-2024 | 119-2024 | To regulate site alterations within the City of Brampton, and to repeal By-law 143-95 and By-law 30-92
| Slaughtering of Animals | 179-84 | To prohibit the slaughtering of animals for food, other than in a slaughterhouse.
| Snow and Ice Removal | 242-76 | To provide for the clearing away and removal of snow and ice from highways and buildings. |
| Snow Vehicles | 92-93 | To regulate the operation of Motorized Snow Vehicles within certain areas of the City of Brampton.
| Stand Vehicles | 41-96 | To prohibit motor vehicles being allowed to stand unattended unless locked.
| Statutory Officials | 264-2021 | To enact a Statutory Officials By-law and repeal Municipal Officials By-law 84-2008, as amended |
| Supportive Housing Residences Registration By-law 254-2021 | 254-2021 | To regulate and govern the registration of Supportive Housing Residences Type 1 and 2, and to repeal By-law 244-82, as amended |
| Traffic | 93-93 | General Traffic By-law - Index of Consolidated Schedules. Set Fines for Traffic Violations.
| Tree Preservation | 317-2012 | To conserve and protect trees on private land and to repeal By-law 38-2006 |
| Unauthorized Parking | 104-2018 | To regulate unauthorized parking on boulevards, side yards and front yards |
| User Fee | 193-2024 | To establish user fees and charges and to repeal By-law 380-2003, as amended
| Vital Services | 68-2018 | To require adequate and suitable vital services for rental units and to repeal By-law 240-92, as amended |
| Woodlot Conservation | 316-2012 | To conserve and protect woodlots and to repeal By-law 402-2005 |
| Zoning | 270-2004 | The Zoning By-law stipulates not only what land uses are permitted on a property but also what can be built as well as provides other regulations such as lot size, type of buildings, etc.