City of Brampton Logo

About Purchasing

​4th Annual Reverse Vendor Tradeshow

The City will be hosting its 4th Annual Reverse Vendor Tradeshow on Tuesday May 27, 2025 at Rose Theatre. ​At the tradeshow, representatives from City divisions will be available to answer your questions and provide invaluable insights into doing business with us.

Register here​

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Providing professional and ethical leadership through fair and transparent procurement methods to encourage competition and achieve best value for money.​


To be recognized for our innovative and flexible approach to procurement by creating value through outcome focused strategic thinking; utilizing efficient processes and current technology; and providing exceptional customer service.​​

​Professional Affiliations

In order to maintain and promote professional standards, Purchasing maintains membership in The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, the Ontario Public Buyers Association and the Supply Chain Canada. Purchasing subscribes to the principles and ethics of these Associations and believes their ethical principles should govern the conduct of every professional purchaser.​

Code of Ethics

NIGP Code of Ethics

The Institute believes, and it is a condition of membership, that the following ethical principles should govern the conduct of every person employed by a public-sector procurement or materials management organization.

More Information NIGP Code of Ethics

OPBA Statement of Ethics for Public Purchasers​​

The Ontario Public Buyers Association's Code of Ethics is based upon the following tenets and members of OPBA attempt to consistently practice their profession and deal with their day-to-day responsibilities according to these principles. Members are enc​ouraged to display this statement in their departments as well as in other locations in their agencies. For more information click here.

More Information OPBA Statement of Ethics for Public Purchasers​​

​Supply Chain Canada Advocacy

Supply Chain Canada engages in advocacy so that supply chain professionals have a strong, respected voice in the development of policy and in critical debates. We lead contribution by generating and sharing ideas to improve the supply chain system for a more competitive Canada. Our advocacy guiding principles define our opinions, shape our actions and articulate our messaging with governments and the media.

More Information Supply Chain Canada Advocacy ​​​​​​

Contact Purchasing

Office of the CAO
2nd Floor - Brampton City Hall
2 Wellington St. W, Brampton, ON L6Y 4R2

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm (excluding holidays)