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Ward Boundary Review

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Update (December 9, 2024)  At a Council Workshop, City staff presented Council with results of the public engagement on ward boundary realignment options, including:

  • Option One was the most preferred, receiving 52 per cent of the vote (192)
  • Option Two​ received 30 percent of the vote (110)
  • "Effective representation" was voted as the most important criteria (120)
Next steps include Council consideration of the results in early 2025. If Council approves the preferred option, ward boundaries will be adjusted in time for the next municipal election in 2026. 

​To learn more, view the Council workshop presentation​. If you have questions or comments, contact​

The City of Brampton is conducting a ward boundary review. A ward is a geographical division of a city for administrative and political purposes. The current wards in the City of Brampton were established in 2014. Since then, the city has experienced a significant growth in population and some areas of the city have seen more growth than others.

​This review aims to establish fair and equitable wards, with better representation of the citizens at the Council table. The review uses the principles of representation by population, future population trends, physical and natural boundaries, and recognition of communities of interest to evaluate the existing ward structure and alternative options. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

There are two (2) boundary realignment options. You can view them on the realignment options page.


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Item Status: Past

​Council approves an internal-led ward boundary review​

Item Status: Past

​Project team undertakes review of ward boundaries, in full consideration of council-approved criteria.

Item Status: Past

Project team reports to Committee of Council with ward boundary scenarios and options​. ​

Item Status: Past

Formal public consultation period, including online engagement, open houses, etc. ​

Item Status: Current

Summary of public consultation presented to Council. 

Final report and by-law(s) presented to Council for approval.​​

45-day appeal period for passing of by-law. If no appeals received, project team begins implementing changes.​

Item Status: Future

​Staff completes review of changes related to the new ward boundaries. 

Item Status: Future

Ward boundary changes submitted to Elections Ontario (owners of municipal Voters' List) for implementation.​

Item Status: Future

December 31, 2025 - ward boundary by-law must be passed and any appeals resolved before December 31, or ward boundary changes would not come into effect until after second regular election (2030).​

Item Status: Future

Municipal election messaging begins, highlighting new ward boundaries. ​

Item Status: Future

October 26, 2026 - Voting Day - Brampton residents vote according to new ward boundaries. ​

Contact Us

​We want to hear from you! Send your thoughts on the ward boundary review to