Brampton Non-Profit & Charitable Sector Development Learning series
The Advance Brampton Fund is presenting a limited seminar series to support the development and growth of the non-profit and charitable sectors in Brampton. These free sessions are facilitated by The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Toronto Metropolitan University. They are designed to provide valuable learning and
are interactive, engaging and tailored to address real-world challenges faced by non-profit leaders. They are led by industry experts and designed to enhance the capacity and resilience of non-profit organizations by providing practical knowledge that can be immediately applied.
This year in response to past participant feedback sessions will be offered both digitally and in-person. Participants with verified attendance in seminars will receive a digital participation award they can share on social media and use as an asset in their career progression.
Participation in all of these seminars is prioritized for non-profit professionals and volunteers with organizations operating in Brampton. Secondary consideration will be provided for participation from professionals and volunteers with organizations in Peel Region. All others will be considered only after registrants from these two groups have been accommodated.
See below to learn more and register for these workshops.
Digital/Virtually Delivered Seminars:
These seminars are delivered virtually and offer a theoretical introduction to the topics outlined. Sessions will encourage participation from attendees and provide tools and resources which will help participants put their learning into action within their organization.
Seminar Details:
Effective Grant Writing
Instructor: Caryl Arundel, MSC, MPA, Instructor, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Management Certificate at The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University
- This Session was delivered on March 19.
Legal Implications - Incorporating and Applying for Charitable Status
Instructor: Benjamin Miller, Staff Lawyer/Policy Advisor Non-Profit Law Ontario
Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Course Description:
This session will review the pros and cons of incorporation and the types of non-profit incorporation (e.g., business, non-profit, co-op). Participants will be taken through the steps to incorporate as a non-profit, considerations and choices when incorporating, what it takes to qualify as a registered charity under the Income Tax Act as well as process and best practices for applying.
Key Takeaways:
- Is incorporation right for you? If you're not incorporated what are you?
- What are the main differences between businesses, non-profits, co-ops, and charities?
- What are some key considerations to help decide between incorporating federally and provincially? What roles will you need filled and what information will be required in order to file articles of incorporation?
- Overview of incorporation application.
- Process for applying for charitable status, including: common reasons why applicants for charitable status get rejected, and some considerations if you choose to work with a lawyer when applying for charitable status.
*Please note, information provided in this seminar is for learning purposes only and is relevant to laws in Ontario, Canada. Participation in this seminar is not legal advice.
Click Here to Register
Effective Leadership in Non-Profits and Charities
Instructor: Junie B. Facey, MHS, RSW, BSW, CMP, EdD, Instructor and Academic Coordinator, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Management Certificate at the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University
Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2025
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Course Description:
This session will focus on the critical role leaders play in shaping the culture of the organization and reputation in the community. Driven by the mission and values, service targets, responding to community needs, and reporting requirements to the Board of Directors and funders, demonstrating effective leadership is essential.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand non-profit leadership and leading for impact.
- Learn core competencies for non-profit leaders.
- Define what is change management and explore tools for leading through change.
Click Here to Register
Fundraising for Non-Profits and Charities
Instructor: Michelle Hounslow, CFRE, Director, Advancement Toronto Metropolitan University
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2025
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Course Description:
This session is designed for non-profit leaders and teams looking to develop and implement an effective fundraising program tailored to the unique needs of their organization, with actionable strategies to build sustainable support for the organization's mission. This session will cover different sources of fundraising, how to identify and build highly fundable opportunities, the importance of a strong case for support, developing relationships with donors, and tools for prospecting and donor management.
Key Takeaways:
- Understand the various sources of fundraising and how they differ from each other.
- How to identify highly fundable opportunities.
- How to select a fundraising source based on your organization’s goals and the community you serve and;
- Tools for prospecting and donor relationship management.
Click Here to Register
In-Person Delivery
These seminars are delivered
in-person at the City of Brampton's West Tower located at 41 George St. S. These three highly relevant seminars focussed on non-profit and charitable financial management bring a focus on a component of sectoral work that is often overlooked, but highly important. Participants will take part in group work and practically work with course content to build skills and knowledge.
Registrations are available for each of these seminars, but it is recommended that you register and attend all three to get the most value. There are only 30 spaces available for each in-person session so please only register if you are able to attend in-person.
Non-Profit Budget Development
Instructor: Max Zhu, CPA, Instructor, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Management Certificate, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University
Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2025
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: City of Brampton, West Tower, 41 George St. S. Brampton, ON.
Course Description:
This session will provide an in-depth understanding of budget development tailored to non-profit organizations. Participants will learn how to create, manage and analyze budgets that align with their mission, ensure financial sustainability and address the needs of key stakeholders. Through practical tools and examples, participants will gain the skills to confidently prepare for financial risks and opportunities.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn key methods to forecast revenues and budget for expenses.
- Define different types of budgets.
- Work through real-life examples of building a budget.
Click Here to Register
Financial Reporting in the Non-Profit Sector
Instructor: Max Zhu, CPA, Instructor, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Management Certificate, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University
Date: Wednesday, June 11, 2025
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: City of Brampton, West Tower, 41 George St. S. Brampton, ON.
Course Description:
This session focuses on analyzing and interpreting non-profit financial reports for sector- specific standards. Participants will explore the key financial statements, learn the main indicators of financial health and develop their own techniques to measure them. Using practical tools and real-life examples, participants will be equipped to start their financial reporting journey.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn the purpose of the four major financial statements.
- Apply high-level techniques for reviewing financial health.
- Recognize key red flags and what to do about them.
Click Here to Register
Non-Profit and Charitable Budget Evaluation
Instructor: Max Zhu, CPA, Instructor, Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Management Certificate, The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University
Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2025
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: City of Brampton, West Tower, 41 George St. S. Brampton, ON.
Course Description:
This session provides non-profit leaders with the skills to evaluate non-profit budgets for effectiveness, alignment and sustainability. Attendees will learn how to analyze budget assumptions through uncertain times, review resource allocation, and identify potential financial risks.
Key Takeaways:
- Describe key financial risks facing non-profit organizations.
- Review the structure of a variance report and how to use it to assess financial health.
- Identify options for non-profits facing distress.
Click Here to Register