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Sustainable New Communities Program

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Applications Submitted as of July 1, 2022

Through the Sustainable New Community Program the City of Brampton is promoting a comprehensive approach to planning and designing sustainable communities. In spring 2022, Brampton City Council approved updates to the Program, which apply to planning applications submitted as of July 1, 2022.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Please note, as of January 1, 2023 all applicable applications submitted on or after this date will be required to achieve a minimum 'Good' level for the Building Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas Reduction, and Resilience metric (i.e., IB-12). This requirement is in addition to the minimum 'Bronze' score required through the program.

The Letter of Commitment​s Package for the SNCP Program can be found here.​

For IB-18 (Bird-Friendly Design), please include the following PDF as part of the submission documentation.

In addition, a copy of the Active Transportation Guidelines, including Bicycle Parking rates can be found here​. ​​​​​


  • Applicants have a menu of sustainability metrics to choose from (see the Sustainable New Communities Program Guidebook), each with an assigned point value. 
  • The combination of metrics the applicant selects to achieve in their development proposal results in a Sustainability Score.
  • There are three Sustainability Score Thresholds: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Applicants are required to achieve, at minimum, a Score that falls within the Bronze threshold.  
  • As of January 1, 2023, development proposals will also have to illustrate a minimum level of building energy/GHG performance as outlined in the “Good” level of metric IB-12.

  • Block Plans/Precinct Plans
  • Draft Plans of Subdivisions of 10 residential units or more
  • “Full” Site Plans
  • Zoning By-law amendments to facilitate the above
  • For Zoning By-law amendments, the Sustainability Score is based on preliminary information available at this planning stage. The Score is then refined when more details become available as part of the Draft Plan of Subdivision or Site Plan application for the property.​

  • Draft Plans of Subdivision of 9 residential units or less
  • “Limited” or “Basic” Site Plans
  • Draft Plans of Subdivision for the purpose of subdividing large blocks of land for the sole purpose of creating lots for future employment, industrial, commercial, or institutional development, and which will require subsequent Site Plan approval.​​

  • Applicants are required to achieve, at minimum, a score that falls within the Bronze Threshold
  • The Sustainability Score Thresholds are as follows:
    • Site Plans: Bronze = 41-61,  Silver = 62-75,  Gold = 76+
    • Draft Plans: Bronze = 27-40,  Silver = 41-49,  Gold = 50+
    • ​Block Plans: Bronze = 14-20,  Silver = 21-25,  Gold = 26+

  • The development proposal submission must include the Sustainability Score & Summary created using the City’s online Sustainability Assessment Tool, whereby the applicant details the metrics the proposal will achieve and where in the submission documentation (e.g. plans, studies, etc.) achievement of these metrics can be verified, and the Sustainability Score reached.
  • Please refer to the Sustainable New Communities Program Guidebook for details regarding each metric, including the documentation requirements for each that must be included in the development application submission.​​

  • ​Applicants must use the Sustainability Assessment Tool to document the metrics achieved within their development proposal and to calculate the Sustainability Score.​

  • ​The primary changes to the Program include a revised suite of Sustainability Metrics, updated Sustainability Score Thresholds, and the introduction of a mandatory building energy and GHG performance metric.

 Process Overview

Item Status: Past

Applicants advised of Sustainable New Communities Program and associated minimum requirements, include minimum Bronze score and IB-12 metric.

Item Status: Past

Complete application will include Sustainability Score & Summary and Snapshot. Application to achieve at least a Bronze Score, and as of January 1, 2023, the “Good” level of building energy and GHG emissions performance of Metric IB-12. Staff assess plans/drawings and component studies in relation to the Sustainability Metrics and the Sustainability Score.

Item Status: Past

Staff review plans/drawings and component studies to verify Metrics achieved and Sustainability Score.

Item Status: Past

Staff report on application’s Preliminary Sustainability Score.

Item Status: Past

Staff report on application’s Final Sustainability Score. Include Plan of Subdivisions or Site Plan condition(s) as applicable.

Item Status: Past

Plans should demonstrate Sustainability Score is being achieved.