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Conserving Energy at Home

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The City of Brampton, together with the City of Mississauga and Town of Caledon, are designing a home energy retrofit program through the Peel Residential Energy Program (PREP) and we want to hear from you. The goal is to help homeowners conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Tell us how we can support residents in their home energy journey.


Home energy retrofits are essential to achieving municipal climate change targets. A priority project within the Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEERP) is establishing a method to deliver standardized home energy renovations to Brampton homeowners within the next five years.

The Residential sector accounts for 26% of energy use and 21% of Brampton’s emissions (see graphics below). Moreover, 52% of Brampton’s residential homes were built prior to 1989 when energy-efficient technologies were less available and building codes were less stringent about energy efficiency.

Increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy use in homes through home energy renovations can help decrease Brampton's overall energy use, while also reducing a Brampton homeowner's energy bill.

These graphics illustrate the division of Brampton energy use, energy costs, and emissions by sector published in the CEERP.

These graphics illustrate the division of Brampton energy use, energy costs, and emissions by sector published in the CEERP.

Peel Residential Energy Program (PREP)

Brampton City staff, in partnership with the Town of Caledon and the City of Mississauga, successfully applied for a grant under the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Green Municipal Fund for a Program Design Study for a home energy renovation program. Brampton is the Lead Applicant.

A Program Design Study for a home energy renovation program builds on Brampton’s commitment to sustainability by focusing on energy efficiency. This program will improve energy efficiency and increase resilience to climate change, which supports the CEERP and its goal to “Lead Environmental Innovation” in Brampton.


Item Status: Past

Grant awarded

Item Status: Past

Background Research

Item Status: Past

Opportunity for business case development

Item Status: Past

Engage with surveys and focus groups

Item Status: Past

Draft program design

Item Status: Past


Item Status: Current

Final Program Design

Item Status: Future
