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Senior of the Year Award


The Senior of the Year Award is given to an individual, over the age of 65, who has made significant contribution to the quality of life within the Brampton. This award recognizes a Brampton resident that has achieved specific humanitarian efforts or has demonstrated passion and all-around involvement with community growth.



    1. Must be a current resident of Brampton
    2. Have resided in Brampton for at least five years prior to nomination
    3. Be 65 years or older
    4. Has contributed to the enrichment of the social, cultural or civic life of the Brampton community
    5. Has made this commitment without thought of personal or financial gain
    6. Is not a previous recipient of the award
    7. Provided the special work or service during/after the age of 65


  • Contributions must be voluntary, but can be related to an individual’s expertise from training, work experience or education.
  • The individual has helped to improve the quality of life in Brampton and/or have made an impact on Brampton in arts and culture, sport or community projects.
  • The nomination form must be accompanied by a letter of no more than two (2) pages, detailing the recent or ongoing activities or contributions of the nominee in the City of Brampton. These activities should demonstrate their all-round community involvement or a specific activity or contribution.
  • Self-nominations and nominations of family members are not accepted.
  • Posthumous nominations will not be accepted.

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