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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Participate in an Event

We work with local talent to make our events great by offering many ways to get involved in our events.

Throughout the year, we offer various opportunities for vendors and artists to participate in our festivals and events across the city. Each opportunity is posted here with details on how to apply and offers a competitive and open application process..

​​Check back​​​ to this webpage, or follow us on social media for updates on upcoming opportunities.​​​​

National Indigenous Peoples Day -Vendor Market 2025

The City of Brampton is accepting applications for food and retail vendors interested in participating in our National Indigenous Peoples Day event taking place on Friday, June 20, 2025. We are looking for dynamic, professional businesses who are environmentally conscious and offer products representing diverse Indigenous communities.

PRIDE - Community Booth Application

The City of Brampton is accepting applications for community groups interested in participating in our Pride celebration. We are looking for organizations that provide services and support to the LGBTTIQQ2SA communities in Brampton and surrounding Peel area.

Canada Day - Cupcake Vendor Application

We are looking for dynamic, professional businesses who  are able to produce, deliver and set up 2,000 cupcakes to be distributed to members of public attending the event.

Canada Day - Food Vendor Application

We are looking for dynamic, professional businesses who are environmentally conscious and serve food products representative of our diverse City.

Canada Day - Retail Vendor Application

We are looking for dynamic, professional businesses to sell high-quality and unique products that compliment a Canada Day-themed vendor market.

Celebrate Eid - Food Vendor Application

The City of Brampton is accepting applications for Halal food vendors interested in participating in our Celebrate Eid event


The City of Brampton is accepting applications for up to five artists and/or groups to perform at the City of Brampton’s PRIDE event.

Sponsor an Event​

If you are interested in becoming an event sponsor, please email

​​​Interested in volunteering?

For information on how to become a volunteer, please email​ or call 905.874.5576.​​​

​Vendor opportunities are posted 2 to 3 months before the event date.
For example:
Event Date: December 31
Applications available: beginning of October to beginning of December​

Please note that chain or franchise based companies/businesses will not be accepted as an event vendor. If you are interested in participating at an event and are a  chain or franchise based company/business​, please contact Sponsorship at

  • Vendors are responsible for their own set-up and tear down, and must maintain a clean and organized area.
  • Vendors are responsible for ALL operating supplies including tents, tent weights, lighting, generators (and gas), water, heaters, tables, chairs, water source, etc.
  • Vendors are responsible for providing their own tent weights (1x 40lb weight per tent leg).
  • No spikes or any other device may be put into the ground.
  • Single-use plastics are not permitted (ex. plastic bottles, straws, and utensils). All vendors are required to use biodegradable containers and recyclable utensils for food service.
  • Vendors are responsible for providing and maintaining their own methods of payment, including cash floats and/or
  • POS machines. The City does not provide WIFI for POS devices, nor change for cash floats.

​​​​​Food Vendors are be responsible for ensuring they meet all the qualifications and comply with the food safety guidelines. ​​​​Upon acceptance, the Vendor must complete and submit the Region of Peel application  for Special Events​.​

All food trucks, trailers and carts (not booths) are be responsible for providing a valid City of Brampton business number. ​​If you need to obtain a Single-Day Special Event License, please visit the Refreshment Vehicles​​ page to complete an application.

Please note that an administrative turn around is time required to process the application and issue the license. Applications with all documentation should be submitted a minimum 2 weeks prior to the event(s), to properly facilitate a streamlined and timely issuance of the licences.

This only applies if you are using a commercial propane tank on site (anything other than a typical barbeque residential tank). If you will be using a commercial propane tank, vendors must provide proof of Propane TSSA Certification. ​

Upon acceptance, vendors will be provided a Special Event Liability agreement that is required to be
reviewed, signed and returned to the City. 

Vendors must obtain Commercial General & Auto Liability insurance, at their own expense, with an inclusive limit of not less than $5 million CGL & $2 million Auto per occurrence against all claims for personal injury, bodily injury including death, and property damage, and shall provide the City with proof of insurance coverage on a form provided by the City.

This insurance shall be carried for the entire permitted period and shall have "The Corporation of the City of Brampton" shown as an additional insured on the policy. Such policy shall be with an insurer licensed in Ontario that has a rating, which meets the requirements of the City's policy on insurance.​

Contact Festival and Events