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We Can Help You Host

​​​Brampton offers much more than just a venue for your event. Sport Brampton will be a part of your team – connecting you with the businesses, services and resources you need to take your event to the next level. Let us help you with:

The Brampton Accommodation Group (BAG) represents 14 accommodation providers in Brampton featuring over 1,400 guestrooms in brand name hotels/motels, Sheridan College residences, as well as campgrounds for RV’s and tents.  As a valued community partner  in the hosting of sport business in Brampton, BAG is committed to providing event organizers an easy and comfortable process to book sport related (meetings, clinics, tournaments, banquets) accommodation in Brampton, by offering value added support services tailored to the event. See the attached list of BAG members.

We have City of Brampton bid templates that can easily be adapted and customized to support events that require letters of interest/endorsement and formal bid packages. Generic copy profiling Brampton is drafted and easily tweaked for your event. Our picture gallery includes images of city, venues, attractions and  sports formatted to support different mediums. Letters of interest/endorsement from the Mayor can be sourced by contacting Sport Brampton.

We want to work with your event hosting team to ensure your event runs smoothly and participants have a wonderful experience in Brampton. We know our community well and would be happy to assist in identifying and facilitating introductions​ to community services and resources best suited for your event.

Sport Brampton would like to promote your sport tourism event through our various marketing vehicles; Calendar of Events, LED signs, community media outlets, etc. Please complete the attached Event Profile and send to Sport Brampton so we can determine the best means to promote your event.

​Sport Brampton is a member of the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance (CSTA), with access to a number​ of resources, tools, research and event data. These include such items as:

  • Sustainable Sport Event Template
  • Business Plan Template
  • Sport Event Marketing Template
  • Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model (STEAM) and STEAM Pro - Click here to download the STEAM workbook

We would be happy to review these resources with event organizers upon request and assist you in completing STEAM.

In addition, the City has limited auxiliary event equipment such as; staging, garbage cans, barriers, tents, tables and chairs, and port-o-lets rentable to event organizers on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Hosting support for sport tourism events is assessed annually and includes financial grants and/or in-kind services. Please reference the City of Brampton's Event Guideli​nes for Frequently Asked Questions about hosting an event in one of our city facilities, or contact the City of Brampton Sport Tourism Coordinator.

​Sport Brampton can assist in sourcing transportation services to support your event requirements, including buses, taxis, limousines, car rentals, etc.

​Brampton offers an extensive inventory of sport venues and resources that adhere to national and international technical standards. Sport Brampton can assist with facility booking, rates, and confirming technical specifications and amenities to ensure the right venue for your event. Site inspections and familiarization tours can also be arranged.

Check out Diverse Venues to learn more.

​The City of Brampton has partnered with Volunteer MBC (Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon) to assist event organizers in recruiting, training and recognizing volunteers for their events.  Through this affiliation and our extensive sport organization networks, we have access to a dedicated group of volunteers who are passionate about sport and wonderful ambassadors for our city.

We look forward to welcoming your group to Brampton! Welcome bags are available upon request, including such items as visitor guides, welcome gifts, restaurant listings, Brampton pins, pencils, maps, welcome banners, etc. Contact Sport Brampton to request welcome packages.