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Events and Meetings

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Future Meetings and Events


Past Meetings and Events​

Visioning Charrette - November 2019

The multi-day Visioning Cha​rrette was held between November 26 and 29, 2019, at Cassie Campbell Community Centre. Stakeholders who took part in the charrette included: landowners, City staff, Regional staff, School Boards, agencies, and the general public. The engagement process included workshops, open houses and presentations designed to condense feedback loops and deliver a vision for the lands quickly.​​​​​​

​Preliminary Block Structure Charrette – February 2020

A second Charrette was held in February for internal staff and agencies to comment and provide input on the draft preliminary block structure of the plan. This revised plan consisted of several notable changes impacting the next steps of the planning process and the final build out of Heritage Heights. These changes include:

  • The alternative to the provincially proposed 400-series highway with an urban boulevard running north south through Heritage Heights.
  • The relocation of the main-street and town-centre to front the east and west sides of the new boulevard - becoming a central hub.
  • The relocation of the proposed Metrolinx station to the central hub, at the intersection of the urban boulevard.
  • The potential location of school, hospital and park sites.

Concept Planning Charrette – May to June 2020

A third charrette was originally planned for the week of March 30th,2020; however, due toCOVID-19, staff was forced to postpone. The charrette proceeded through a virtual meeting platform, over a four-week period to refine the concept plan beginning on May 11, 2020. The format:

  • Week 1, May 11: Development of the environmental framework, including: conservation lands, open space, formal park systems, trail network, school sites, etc.
  • Week 2, May 18: refinement of the street network, development of cross sections, and locations of transit stations, transit alignments, hospital site, main street location, and public squares.
  • Week 3, May 25: Update on block structures, land uses, densities and mix, and civic uses.
  • Week 4, June 1: Incorporation of feedback​

 Contact Official Plan and Growth Management

For more information on the City's planning program for the Heritage ​Heights Community (Areas 52 & 53) and to provide comments via email, please contact:​