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Property Tax FAQs

Questions About Property Assessment

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is a not-for-profit and independent organization that the Province of Ontario created in 1997. MPAC accurately values and class​ifies all Ontario properties for municipal property tax purposes.​

MPAC completes a uniform, province-wide property assessment based on current value assessment every four years. The last province-wide assessment was completed in 2016 (based on a market value of January 1, 2016). This assessment will apply for four tax years - 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. MPAC may re-assess property during this period or when you have made changes to the property and altered its value.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario government has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. For more details, please refer to Re-Assessment Update.​

MPAC's province-wide assessment in 2016 has a four-year update cycle. It phases in any increases in the assessment value from the 2012 value over four years. If the assessment value decreases from the 2012 value, your next tax bill will immediately show the decrease.​

To establish your property’s assessed value, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) uses current value assessment to analyze property sales in your community. Most assessment jurisdictions in Canada and throughout the world use the current value assessment. MPAC also looks at the key features of every property. It considers as many as 200 factors when assessing the value of a residential property. Five major factors usually account for 85 per cent of the value:

  • location;
  • lot dimensions;
  • living area;
  • age of the property, adjusted for any major renovations or additions; and
  • quality of construction.

Other features that may affect value include: number of bathrooms, fireplaces, garages, pools, whether properties have water frontage, and so on. MPAC analyzes the key features of your property with sales of comparable properties in your community to determine your assessment.


If you believe that your assessed value is inaccurate, MPAC will review it if you file a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) within 120 days of the issuance date printed on the property assessment notice. There is no fee for this review. To learn more about how MPAC assesses properties or to obtain a form to apply for a Request for Reconsideration, visit or call 1.866.296.6722.​

​​You have up to 90 days from MPAC's decision to appeal to the Assessment Review Board. To file an appeal with the ARB send a written request to the Assessment Review Board, 655 Bay Street, Suite 1500, Toronto, ON, M5G 1E5. A fee must accompany your appeal. For further information, please contact the ARB at 416.212.6349, or toll free 1.866.448.2248, or visit​.

Questions About Property Tax

You pay property taxes to the municipal government to support the City of Brampton and the Region of Peel services, and help fund education. The City sends out tax bills twice annually. It usually sends out interim bills, based on 50 per cent of the previous year’s taxes, in January for February, March and April payments. Final bills reflect new tax rates and are usually issued in June for payment in July, August and September.

The standard formula for calculating final taxes is the tax rate multiplied by the assessed value of the home [Current Value Assessment (CVA)]. Interim taxes are 50 per cent of prior year's taxes. Due to Province of Ontario Tax Protection programs for non-residential properties, this formula may not accurately determine those taxes.

Three levels of government determine the property tax rate: City, Regional and Provincial (education). The City establishes a budget to provide the municipal services and infrastructure for which it is responsible. It calculates a municipal tax rate that will meet the funding requirements identified in the City's budget. The Region of Peel follows a similar process while the Province of Ontario establishes an education tax rate. Use this calculation to figure out your residential property tax:

The Municipal Tax Rate x the Assessed Value (CVA) of the Property
The Regional Tax Rate x the Assessed Value (CVA) of the Property
The Education Tax Rate x the Assessed Value (CVA) of the Property
The Total Property Tax

Your account may indicate overdue taxes for two reasons:
1) Someone may have entered your account number incorrectly
2) The City may not have yet processed any payments you made before the City mailed the bill.
To resolve this situation, we need proof of your payment. You can send us copies of your proof of payment by clicking here.  Alternately you can mail/deliver it to the Tax Office on the 2nd floor of City Hall at 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, ON, L6Y 4R2 or fax it to 905-874-2296.
Call 905-874-2000 for service available 24 hours per day, every day.

Taxes can be paid in person at Brampton City Hall at the cashier’s office on the main floor; ​Cassie Campbell Community Centre, 1050 Sandalwood Parkway West; Gore Meadows Community Centre, 10100 The Gore Road; Save Max Sports Centre, 1495 Sandalwood Pkwy East (debit and cheque payments accepted). Payments can also be made at most financial institutions, by Internet or telephone banking, or by post-dated cheques (post-dated cheques cannot exceed one year from the first issue date), mailed to the Tax Section, PO Box 4263 Station A Toronto ON M5W 5T5. After hours, payments may be placed in a sealed envelope in the night drop box, located at City Hall lobby adjacent to the parking garage elevator at Brampton City Hall, 2 Wellington St. West.

The rate on unpaid balances is 1.25% charged to the account after the payment is due and again on the first day of each month until paid. Properly applied Penalty and Interest charges cannot be waived.

You can pay by cheque, debit, or through the bank (either in person or through internet or telephone banking). The City also offers you a choice of three pre-authorized payment plans.  Credit card payments are not accepted directly by the City of Brampton.  However, Property Taxes can be paid by credit card using an online bill payment service provider. The service provider may charge service fees and there may be restrictions on the types of credit cards accepted. Please refer to the service provider's website for terms and conditions of their service, charges and payment processing times. (All payments must be received in the Tax office before the due date to avoid penalty and interest charges).

If any of the three tax rates (City Property Tax, Regional Property Tax or Education Property Tax) have changed, or the assessed value on the house has increased, the second billing will be for a larger amount. The City bases the interim bill on 50 per cent of the previous year's taxes.

The City takes pre-authorized monthly payments directly from your bank account. To be eligible, your property must be fully assessed. You must have no overdue taxes and cannot have a mortgage company responsible for your payments. All tax amounts due prior to the desired start date must be paid in full or the application will not be processed and will be returned to you. Please complete the Pre-authorized Tax Payment Plan (PTP) using the PDF Form or Online Form​.

The requirements are: a valid chequing account and a void cheque. Credit cards or lines of credit are not acceptable as payment. For additional information, please refer to the Pre-authorized Payment Plan page.


Yes. You must make the arrangements with your mortgage company. Contact your mortgage company for further information.

The account number is the 17-digit Tax Roll number that appears on your tax bill. The payee is usually listed as “Brampton Taxes."

The Change of Ownership or Change of Deed Fee was a decision of Council. It is charged when the ownership of a house, or the name on a deed changes. This includes the change from the builder’s name to the purchaser’s. Mortgage companies and lawyers do not pay this fee as part of the closing or initial mortgage payment. Many municipalities and utility companies charge a similar administrative fee.

​If a property is new to the tax roll, a one-time administration fee will be added to cover the costs associated with setting up the account.  A statement will be sent to the homeowner for payment.

The formula for estimating the taxes on a new home is: current tax rate multiplied by the purchase price of the house.

If MPAC had not assessed your house before the City billed you, the City may base taxes on the value of the land only. You will get another bill when MPAC assesses the house. The formula for determining the approximate taxes on a home is the tax rate multiplied by the purchase price of the house. To find out about property assessment, please contact the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at 1-866-296-6722 or

Your lawyer will do a statement of adjustment, which will show what portion of the tax bill the current owner is responsible for and what the new owner will be required to pay. The lawyers will make these adjustments at the closing. Owners are required to make all tax payments as they are due up to the date of closing.

When there is delay in receiving information from MPAC, the City cannot issue a tax bill. This delay can be considerable, with some people not receiving a tax bill for as long as two years after occupancy. Refer to Supplementary Tax Bill.​ Please call 905.874.2000 for more information.

Qualifying seniors (65 and over) and persons with disabilities may be eligible for a tax credit. The rebate amount per year is $400 plus the blended tax impact starting in 2018. Seniors must receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, own and live on the property for which they are applying, and must not claim for other properties that year.  In addition to the residency requirements noted above, disabled applicants must be in receipt of the Income Supplement under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act (ODSPA). You must apply for this program before December 31st of the current year. Applications are available by calling the Tax Office at 905-874-2000 or click here to download a copy. 

The City issues supplementary tax bills when MPAC has assessed new lands or reassessed a property because of additions or improvements that increase its market value or when MPAC has fully assessed a new building. In the case of a newly constructed home, there can be a considerable delay between the occupancy dates and when the City receives the assessment information from MPAC. Until the City receives this information, the City cannot issue a full tax bill. Once the assessment information becomes available, it sends a supplementary bill, dating back to when the new owners took possession of the property. Bills received prior to the supplementary billing are usually smaller and represent land only. If you receive a supplementary billing and you did not own the home during this time, the bill should be forwarded to your lawyer to arrange for payment.

An Apportionment is an adjustment to land taxes paid on properties that have not received individualized assessments for previous years (i.e. Semi-Detached Lots, Townhouse Blocks) and may be for all or part of one or more years. When the City of Brampton first issues a tax bill for semi-detached or townhouse properties, it is based on a land assessment of the whole lot or block. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) subsequently assigns an individual roll number to each part of the lot or block, based on the final "built on" configuration. When the City of Brampton receives the revised Assessment (Apportionment) information from MPAC, re-allocation of the taxes can be created and a billing is issued accordingly.

To buy a tax certificate, please call 311 or mail your request with payment to the City of Brampton Cashiers Office, 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4R2. Click here for our current service fees.

You can get a tax statement for the taxes you paid in 1998 and every year after for a fee. Statements for 1997 and years prior are no longer available. Only the homeowner, or the person whose name appears on the title, can receive the statements and only with proper identification.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for updating and maintaining this information. The details are available of MPAC’s website.​

Questions About Taxes for Non-Residential Property

The general formula for property taxes in Ontario is tax rate multiplied by property assessment value. However, this formula varies significantly for properties in the non-residential tax classes. The Province of Ontario protects commercial, industrial, and multi-residential properties from tax increases. The program limits or "caps" at 10 per cent any change to the property taxes of any individual property. 

Effectively, capping protects landowners from paying their full level of taxes. They are paying less tax than they should if they calculate their taxes using the formula for residential taxes.

On the other side, when MPAC re-assesses all properties in Ontario, some commercial, industrial or multi-residential properties decline in value. Ordinarily, this decline would decrease property tax. However, capping uses "clawback" to fund revenue shortfall resulting from lower assessment values by withholding some or all of the reduction to property owners.

Contact Property Tax

Mailing Address:
Corporation of the City of Brampton
2 Wellington Street West
Brampton, ON L6Y 4R2

Hours of Operation:
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding Holidays)