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Resources and FAQs

​What is a Precinct Plan?

Precinct Plan establishes a framework for development and design to coordinate in public infrastructure (streets, parks and trails, and community facilities), the creation of micro-mobility hubs, and the built form of new development. This provides certainty to developers and community, allowing for the ability to plan infrastructure accordingly. It is not a legal or binding document. It will, however, inform the Qu​een Street East Community Planning Permit Bylaw, a statutory and legal document that will guide development within the area.

​How Does this Fit into the Brampton 2040 Vision?

Queen Street East is one of the three identified priority areas for development and urban design investments in Brampton. The redevelopment of Queen Street East, Uptown, and Downtown Brampton will contribute to the City’s ability to house 1,000,000 residents by 2040+ and provide an environment that prioritizes walking, cycling, and transit use.

​How Does this Fit to the 2018-2022 Term of Council Priorities?

The project serves to coordinate cross-departments effort to implement a number of Term of Council Priorities. These include:

City of Opportunities:

  • Create Complete Communities - where this plan will serve as a template for completing other Urban Design Framework Studies for other Major Growth Centres and Town Centres in the City. This support achieving a vibrant mosaic of 1,000,000 residents as described in the Brampton 2040 Vision.
  • Support Community Hub Concept - where a working group comprised of City departments, school boards and agencies has been established to design and develop implementation framework for delivering complete mixed-use community hub campuses that w​ill include public parks, schools, library facilities, urban agriculture, economic incubators, arts and culture studios and community services hubs among other uses. This support completing a design and implementation framework by Q2 of 2020.
  • Attract Investment and Employment - where the goal is to provide a adequate number or mix of jobs to attract and retain employment suiting the education, skills, or preferences of local talent. Achieve the target that 60% of our citizens will have the ability to work, live and play in Brampton.

Brampton is a Green City

  • Equalize all Forms of Transportation - where adding density prioritizes active transportation, non-auto modes of travel, and support business case for improving high order transit investments. This support the potential initiation of Environmental Assessment process for the Queen Street BRT in Q2 of 2020.​​

 Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

Questions or com​m​ents? Contact:

​Dalia Bahy, Urban Designer