The major premise of comprehensive corporate asset management is that an organization will seldom have perfect processes and data with which to manage the asset portfolio. Instead, the underlying culture of continuous improvement and reliability are its key to success. These improvements will be part of the continuation of the Corporate Asset Management Program and the implementation of the CAM Roadmap moving forward, and the progress of the program is tracked through an asset management program maturity assessment.
The 2021 Corporate AMP provided an assessment of asset management maturity on a City-wide level. As part of the Service Area AMP 2024 (SA AMP), individual maturity assessments were completed for each service area. Various workshops were conducted to gather information on the current state of asset data and overall asset management planning practices within the respective service areas considered under this plan. The purpose of an asset management maturity assessment is to identify a service area’s current maturity, as well as establish a target maturity that can be reasonably achieved in the near future.
Using the International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) tool, information on asset maturity was collected for 16 elements.
Three separate scores have been assigned for each element:
- Pre-Project Score - Assessment of maturity at the start of the SA AMP process. This score does not capture advancements made as part of the SA AMP.
- Current Score - An updated score that captures activities undertaken as part of the SA AMP that have further elevated the maturity of some elements.
- Target Score - Target scores are generally set at 40 points (two maturity levels) above the current score to be achieved in the next 5 years. Further adjustments were made to account for the reasonability of meeting these scores based on strategies required to meet the target.
The individual Asset Maturity Radar Graphs are included in the Service Area AMP 2024 within each individual service area appendix. The overall current maturity score is at an “Intermediate” maturity level, as shown in the Figure below. The target score across all service areas is to achieve an “Advanced” stage on average in the next 5 years. The individual appendices in the SA AMP outline the methodology in determining the current and target score, as well as the key activities to reach target maturity in the future.