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2018-2022 Term of Council Priorities

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​​​​​​​​​​​Visit our Strategic Planning page for current information.​

People are at the heart of everything we do.


Our diverse communities energize us. ​We believe in the power of connection. We partner for progress. We’re building an inclusive city that is safe, sustainable and successful. Together, we’re on a journey to move Brampton forward.

The 2018-2022 Term of Council Priorities (ToCP) inform our activities, decisions and budgets. ​The priorities have corresponding initiatives, designed to make living, working and playing in Brampton pretty awesome... now, and in the future.

As Council reached its mid-point, it was important t​​o re-assess the ToCP initiatives to ensure the City continues to invest in projects and initiatives that move Brampton forward while honouring our commitments to residents. In November 2020, the priorities were refreshe​d​, with 16 Council-approved initiatives for staff focus that will continue ou​​​​r long-term City and community-building efforts.

Strategic directions: Opportunities, Mosaic, Green, Healthy & Safe, and Well-Run.​​

​Brampton is a City of Opportunities (2018 - 2022)

Improving livability and prosperity by focusing on local education and employment opportunities, neighbourhood services and programs, and job investment strategies.


River Walk/Etobicoke Creek Flood Control Project**

Intergovernmental Priority​

Design and construction of flood mitigation works to eliminate flooding in Downtown Brampton from Etobicoke Creek during extreme storm events. Project consists of widening and deepening existing Etobicoke Creek, replacing existing bridges with larger structures to allow passage of floodwaters, and providing increased valley storage for floodwaters by relocating an existing roadway (Ken Whillans Drive).


Brampton University*

Intergovernmental Priority

Brampton is one of Canada's fastest-growing and youngest cities and home to world-renowned businesses, looking for skilled workers to fill jobs today, and anticipating needs for the jobs of tomorrow. With a priority to bring a full university to Brampton, the City will work closely with the Province, and local and international partners, to lay out the social and economic benefits of this investment and ensure we can develop and retain homegrown talent.


 Opportunities Connected Initiatives

  • Revamp the City-Wide Development Design Guidelines to prioritize complete communities, sustainability, and implementation in urban areas.
  • Expand the Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) Program to support urban renewal of existing neighbourhoods.
  • Finalize Brampton’s Affordable Housing Strategy.

  • Develop a coordinated Master Plan for Downtown Brampton.
  • Develop a coordinated implementation framework for Uptown Brampton.

  • Create a development and implementation action plan for Integrated Community Facilities.
  • Incorporate co-location requests as a mandatory requirement of the Real Estate Acquisition, Disposal and Leasing Strategy.

  • Establish Community Improvement Plan(s) for each urban and town centre with incentives to increase employment and population density.
  • Leverage post-secondary partnerships to establish an innovation ecosystem in the downtown.
  • Develop a new Official Plan that aligns all master plans with Brampton 2040.

  • Complete a review of the service delivery model of the Planning and Development Services department.
  • Expand the Development Permit System (DPS) to strategic growth areas.
  • Align the investment and entrepreneurial support services provided by the City of Brampton with the objective of creating an innovation ecosystem.

​Brampton is a Mosaic

Celebrating Brampton’s diversity by more effectively engaging and communicating with diverse groups, supporting cultural events, and developing a holistic framework to embed diversity across the city.

Brampton Equity Office*

City Mandated Priority

The City of Brampton is excited to introduce a foundational Equity Office to serve its employees and citizens. Brampton is proud to be home to a very diverse, multicultural population and is committed to creating an environment of equity within the government and community. The Equity Office will work to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all individuals and promote a harmonious environment both inside the City and for its residents.

 Mosaic Connected Initiatives

  • Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Blueprint to provide a comprehensive action framework to coordinate the City’s approach to embedding DEI into our programs, services and initiatives.

  • Develop and implement the Nurturing Neighbourhoods Program to engage a diverse range of stakeholders in more meaningful ways to identify neighbourhood needs and build capacity to empower our residents.
  • Develop a multi-phase Community Engagement Plan to implement a shared framework and innovative tools for proactively engaging a diverse range of residents and community stakeholders to support evidence-based decision-making.
  • Establish a community-led taskforce to initiate development of an Institute for Brampton Diversity to increase community involvement, animation and profiles of diverse groups and people in all aspects of Brampton life.

  • Implement the Culture Master Plan with a focus on the key themes of supporting success, developing a community of practice and building Brampton’s identity.

  • Utilize and implement elements of universal design strategies in tandem with the City’s Accessibility Technical Standards to ensure all facility renovations and new construction projects identify opportunities to increase accessibility and a sense of belonging for all.
  • Develop and implement the Age Friendly Strategy to improve accessibility, affordability and encourage greater civic participation for people of all ages and abilities.

​Brampton is a Green City

Building on Brampton’s commitment to sustainability by improving transit and active transportation opportunities, focusing on energy efficiency, and revitalizing natural spaces and the urban tree canopy.


Queen Street - Highway 7 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)**

Intergovernmental Priority

Queen Street is the busiest transit corridor in Brampton. Rapid transit is essential to supporting population and employment growth, improving connectivity and providing a competitive travel choice for Brampton residents. The Queen Street BRT study recommends upgrading the existing Züm services on Queen Street to full bus rapid transit with dedicated lanes along the Viva BRT Rapidway from York Region.


Seven Day All-Day/Two-Way GO Train Service**

Intergovernmental Priority

Seven Day All-Day/Two-Way GO Train Service is a Metrolinx led project that will see bidirectional and more frequent GO Train Service operating seven days a week along the Kitchener Rail Line. The City of Brampton will support Metrolinx's efforts to further enhance GO Train service between downtown Toronto and Waterloo Region, ultimately leading to full two-way, all day GO Train Service along the complete corridor.


3rd Transit Facility + Electrification**

Intergovernmental Priority

Brampton Transit needs to meet rapidly growing ridership demands and maintenance needs of a growing fleet. The proposed new Transit facility will account for parking, operating and maintenance requirements and will consider the needs for a sustainable, electric powered bus fleet.


Light Rail Transit Extension Study*

Intergovernmental Priority

The LRT Extension Study is examining and recommending a preferred Main Street alternative to extend light rail transit from Brampton Gateway Terminal to Brampton GO station in Downtown Brampton. Brampton City Council has approved staff recommendations to update the Hurontario-Main LRT environmental assessment study to include three options - the Hurontario-Main LRT approved route, a Main-George one-way loop, and a tunnel - to extend light rail transit from Brampton Gateway Terminal to Brampton GO station in Downtown Brampton.


Active Transportation Action Plan*

City Mandated Priority

Implement the Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) with the aim to develop an integrated, attractive, and accessible system of sidewalks, cycling facilities and trails. The ATMP aims to establish a broad and well-connected active transportation network that will make travel by bike and on foot a safe and desirable option for school, work, recreation and other trips while supporting a cycling and walking culture.


 Green Connected Initiatives

  • Update the Transportation Master Plan to prioritize active transportation and non-auto modes.
  • Advance the work underway to meet ridership demands on Brampton Transit and demand for higher-order transit infrastructure in Brampton (i.e. Queen Street BRT).
  • Improve transit access for seniors in Brampton.

  • Continue the development and implementation of the Development Guidelines and Sustainability Assessment Tool.
  • Expand the Urban Design Awards​ to highlight innovative developments.
  • Establish ongoing monitoring of intensification and greenfield density in Brampton.

​Brampton is a Healthy and Safe City

Focusing on community safety, improving mental health support, and encouraging active and healthy lifestyles.


2nd Full Service Hospital*

Intergovernmental Priority

The City of Brampton is focused on providing quality healthcare to Brampton residents and is committed to the development and growth of its health network. The City will continue its Provincial advocacy efforts to secure commitment and funding for another full service hospital (with emergency room).


Brampton Community Safety Action Plan*

Intergovernmental Priority

Develop a Community Safety Action Plan aligned with the Province's Community Safety and Well-Being Planning Framework, and the Region's Community Safety and Well-Being Plan to leverage intergovernmental support.


Accelerated Recreation Centre Revitalization Program**

City Mandated Priority


Demolish the existing 53-year old building with the exception of the lap pool. Construct a new 'green' building that offers a flexible gymnasium, and focuses on mult i-generat ional , accessible, and multi-seasonal spaces.

Chris Gibson

Expand the community centre to include another arena ice pad and a multi-sport gymnasium that will double the current facility size and will allow for increased programming opportunities.


Community Safety Office*

City Mandated Priority

Design and implement a Community Safety Office to support the safety and well-being of residents through a community-based approach to address root causes of complex social issues.


 Healthy & Safe Connected Initiatives

  • Represent the City of Brampton in the development of the legislated Region of Peel Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWP).
  • Explore the opportunity to build a virtual community hub in collaboration with local service providers to share information on community/social services and programs.
  • Implement the Lighthouse Program, which will help members of the community to seek refuge within the premises of participating faith-based organizations during times of community-wide emergencies in Brampton.

  • Incorporate the Vision Zero framework into transportation planning and design operations to prevent fatal and serious injury from motor vehicle collisions within the City right-of-way.

  • Implement the “BEST You” community outreach workshops.
  • Provide financial and in-kind contribution to health and wellness programs.
  • Continue to support the Healthy Communities 

  • Implement the Recreation Revitalized Renewal Strategy on older recreation centres.
  • Enhance recreation and sports facilities to increase access to programs for residents.
  • Continue to design and build new activity hubs to provide accessible spaces and play elements for residents of all ages and abilities

​Brampton is a Well-Run City

Continuously improving the day-to-day operations of the corporation by streamlining service delivery, effectively managing municipal assets, and leveraging partnerships for collaboration and advocacy.​


Economic Recovery Strategy/Action Plan*

City Mandated Priority

The Economic Recovery Strategy aims to bring resiliency and competitive advantage to Brampton's economy as it moves forward both during, and after, the COVID-19 pandemic. These goals will be achieved by advancing immediate and longer-term actions in line with the Strategy's four cornerstones: 1. Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship 2. Investment 3. Infrastructure 4. Arts, Culture and Tourism.


Fiscal Responsibility/Competitive Taxes**

City Mandated Priority

Incrementally, moving toward the 'middle of the pack' for the Residential Tax Rate (in the GTA).


Customer Service Engagement/Tracking Model*

City Mandated Priority

Provide a Customer Relationship Management System that will ensure timely and effective response to questions/processes/applications from the public, and will ensure seamless transition between various employees and departments on multi-party processes to provide the best service to the public.


Centre of Excellence and Capital Compliance - Project Management Office (PMO)*

City Mandated Priority

Implement a Centre of Excellence and Capital Compliance - Project Management Office to ensure that the City's projects are managed consistently and predictably - delivered on time, on budget and in alignment with corporate priorities. A successful PMO will improve project tracking, reporting, communication and knowledge sharing amongst all stakeholders.


 Well Run Connected Initiatives

  • Administer a Community Satisfaction Survey every two years to get a pulse on residents’ perception and satisfaction with City services.
  • Continue to grow the City’s Open Data platform to make City data more accessible and easier to understand.

  • Develop and implement a Workplace Modernization Strategy.
  • Develop and implement a Talent Acquisition Strategy.

  • Continue to build the City’s government relations, advocacy capacity and impact.

  • Demonstrate value for money of City programs and services.
  • Develop an Asset Management Plan.

  • Design and implement a Customer Experience Strategy.
  • Develop and implement the Brampton Connected City.
  • Continue to transform corporate culture to be more resident-focused in its approach to service delivery.

*​​completion targeted within term
**work underway, completion date beyond term​​​​​​​