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Downtown Secondary Plan Review

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Downtown Secondary Plan Review (DTSPR) is a City-led initiative aimed at further refining Brampton’s vision and planning framework​ for its downtown core. The Secondary Plan Area is defined by Etobicoke Creek to the east, Harold Street to the south, Fletcher’s Creek to the west and Vodden Street to the north.​​​​

This review focuses on updating policies related to land use, transportation, u​rban design and community infrastructure to support the growth targets for Downtown Brampton — an additional 16,000 jobs and 30,000 residents by 2051.

Key elements include addressing infrastructure needs, promoting a walkable and vibrant streetscape, enhancing public spaces and integrating the Riverwalk initiative to manage flood risk and create recreational opportunities. The review is grounded in policies from the Brampton Plan and Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) guidelines, aiming to ensure a sustainable and inclusive downtown.

To receive updates or participate in future meetings, you ​can join the mailing list by emailing

​​View Downtown Secondary Plan ​​Map


Item Status: Current

​Phase 1 – Council Update – Component Studies – Planning Committee Report​

Item Status: Future

​Phase 2 – Council Update – Component Studies – Planning Committee Report ​

Item Status: Future

​Phase 3 – Council Update – Draft SP OPA – Planning Committee Report ​

Item Status: Future

​Phase 4 – Council Update – Final SP OPA – Planning Committee Report 

Downtown Secondary Plan Review Open House

As part of the Downtown Second​ary Pla​n review process, two open house sessions were held in October 2024 – One in person at City Hall and one virtual for those who could not attend. For more information on the open house refer to the recording session and slide deck below.​

Secondary Plans are part of the Brampton Official Plan, the Brampton Official Plan consists of two parts:

  • Part I: The General Plan establishes the general direction for planning and development in Brampton by prescribing goals, objectives and policies for land use planning in the city.

  • Part II: The Secondary Plans adapt and implement the direction of the General Plan in response to the specific circumstances of individual planning districts within the city. In many cases, policies of Secondary Plans will be more detailed and/or restrictive, but consistent with, policies of the General Plan.

So far, Secondary Plans have been prepared for 38 planning districts within the City of Brampton.

The review of the Downtown Brampton Secondary Plan is necessary to:

  • Clarify the policy framework to align with updated city and provincial policies, such as Vision 2040, the Brampton Plan, Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) policies and provincial regulations.

  • Confirm policy directions while assessing residential market demand and the impacts of major capital projects on growth and development.

  • Establish a framework to guide future density and development within downtown Brampton, ensuring a balanced approach to growth.

  • Identify additional infrastructure requirements, such as open spaces and transportation improvements, to support projected population and employment increases.

  • Update policies related to the Special Policy Area to incorporate the Riverwalk project, which addresses flood risk and enhances the public realm.

This review aims to create a cohesive vision that supports a sustainable and vibrant downtown Brampton.

Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

For questions, updates, or to get involved in future meetings, email