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Am I on the Voters' List?

Enter your information below to find out if you are on the Voters' List. If you are not on the list, or your information is incorrect (i.e. incorrect school support or name misspelled), you may request to change your information or add yourself provisionally. All voters must bring their Voter Notice card (if they received one in the mail) and a piece of acceptable identification​ to the voting location. 

Please click here for information on voter eligibility. 

Helpful Hints....

  • ​Do not include a unit number, just the street address. Once you start entering in your street name a list of possibilities will appear, and you can click on your street from this list.
  • Use your full first and last names – do not use middle names. If you do not get a positive response, is it possible you are listed by a shortened first name? For example, if your name is Robert, try Rob or Bob.
  • Do you have a two-part surname? You may need spaces. For example, if your last name is McDonald or DaSilva, and you do not get a positive response, try Mc Donald or Da Silva.​

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