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Stormwater Charge Calculation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​How is this calculated?

The stormwater charge assessed for a property is based on the amount of hard surface on the property. The area of hard surface on your property differs, depending on whether it is a single family residential or not.

Single-Family Residential

There are more than 140,000 residential properties in Brampton. To reduce the complexity and cost of managing the stormwater charge residential properties are divided into a five tiers based on the amount of hard surface on the property (not the size of the property).

Most Brampton properties fall into the middle tier with the average hard surface area of 234 square metres m2. This is one Billing Unit for properties in this tier. The other tiers are assigned Billing Units based on how much greater or lesser the average hard surface is than the middle tier.

For single family residential properties, which includes detached and semi-detached homes, townhouses and rowhouses, the total hard surface area is based on the roof area of the property. Geospatial methods are used to measure the roof area of each residential property, and the property is then assigned a tier based on the table below:​​​​​​​​

The resulting stormwater charge is the Billing Units x Charge per Billing Unit.

Multi-Family Residential/Non-Residential

This category includes multi-residential, non-residential and mixed-use properties, including institutional, industrial and commercial properties and multi- residential properties (apartment/condo buildings).

In this category, all of the hard surface areas on each property are individually measured using geospatial tools, and total for each property is divided by 234 m2 to give the number of Billing Units for that property.

The resulting stormwater charge is the Billing Units x Charge per Billing Unit.​


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Public Works & Engineering
2 Wellington St W, Brampton​

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