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Stormwater Charge Estimator

If your property is in Brampton, enter the address to calculate your stormwater charges. (e.g. 2 Wellington St E)


The information generated by the Stormwater Charge Estimator is for general illustrative and informational purposes only and may produce a different result than the actual Stormwater Charge imposed for current or future years. The actual Stormwater Charge is determined pursuant to the Brampton Stormwater Charge By-law based upon property and other information made available to the City from time to time. The City of Brampton makes no representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever with respect to the Stormwater Charge Estimator and assumes no responsibility for any variance of the actual S​tormwater Charge from any estimate produced. The use of the Stormwater Charge Estimator shall be made on the express understanding and agreement that The City of Brampton shall under no circumstances be held liable for any loss or damage, including any type of damage, which may be attributable to reliance on and/or use of the estimate produced.​​​​​​