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Tree & Bench Dedication Programs

Tree Bench Dedication Page Banner

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Parks Maintenance & Operations is pleased to be able to offer tree and bench dedications. These programs may be used as a form of remembrance of a loved one, celebration of a birth, honouring a retiree, or any other event which you feel should be commemorated by a living tribute.​

All costs may be subject to change without notice.​​​​​​​

 Tree Dedications

This dedication program includes the planting of a tree (species and planting location must be approved by Parks Operations).


This dedication program includes the planting of a tree (species and planting location must be approved by Parks Operations). The installation of a 8 in. by 10 in. bronze plaque (maximum inscription of four lines) is included.

Memorial Tree 2 Cemetery.jpg

 Bench Dedications

This dedication program includes the installation of a 6 ft. (182.9 cm) wooden bench with reinforced concrete bases and sculptured seating/backrest. The installation of a 3 in. x 9 in. bronze plaque (maximum 4 lines of inscription) into the middle backrest and an aggregate pad to accommodate the bench are also included.

This program is only available at Brampton Cemetery.

Dedication Bench Cemetery.jpg

This dedication program includes the installation of a 6 ft. (182.9 cm) metal bench with a 4 in. x 10 in. bronze plaque (maximum 4 lines of inscription) installed into the middle backrest. The installation of an aggregate pad to accommodate the bench is also included.


Please send the completed form and cheque payable to City of Brampton to:

Brampton Cemetery
10 Wilson Avenue
Brampton, ON
L6V 1T5

If you would like more information about the program, please contact the Cemetery Office at 905-874-2997 or​

Contact Parks Maintenance and Operations - Community Services
