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Integrated Downtown Plan

Integrated Downtown Brampton

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Coordinated, Integrated and Strategic​​

The Integrated Downtown Plan (IDP) is a roadmap for action - coordinating Downtown Brampton’s many ongoing initiatives and infrastructure projects. The IDP is anticipated to guide future growth and strategic investment till the year 2051.

Building on the bold initiatives outlined in the Brampton 2040 Vision, the IDP will ad​here to the same guiding principles of inclusivity, innovation, and sustainability. It will help coordinate infrastructure upgrades, urban design, land use, and programming interventions - positioning Brampton as a pivotal economic driver, regional cultural hub, and innovation district.

Council prioritized the need to unlock Downtown Brampton’s potential – advocating change and securing the City’s future. This includes improving livability and prosperity by ensuring local employment opportunities, neighbourhood services and programs, quality public spaces, and co-ordinating a full range of active capital projects.

Aligned with the Brampton 2040 Vision an​​d Term of Council Priorities, Downtown Brampton is undergoing a transformation. As the historic urban city centre, Downtown Brampton (Secondary Plan Area 7) showcases a unique natural, cultural, and built heritage. It is geographically situated south o​​f Vodden Street, west of the Etobicoke Creek, north of Main Street and Harold Str​eet, and east of McLaughlin Road.

The IDP consists of eight components as illustrated in the graphic.

The City hosted a three-day Design Charrette in July 2022 to develop a vision illustrating the long-term future for its downtown. The Design Charrette built upon the work completed as part of the Brampton 2040 Vision, Brampton Plan (new Official Plan), and current Term of Council Priorities.

The City hosted a virtual Open House in Marc​h 2023 to provide an overview of the outcomes of the Design Charrette held in July 2022 and discuss next steps to evolve the visioning of Downtown Brampton. The City is undertaking a Public Realm Plan and Streetscape Manual for the Downtown that will guide the design of streets and public spaces.​


Collaboration du​ring the three-day design charrette in July 2022.​


The ​Brampton 2040 Vision was endorsed by City Council in May 201​8 which envisions Downtown as an advanced education, arts and life sciences hub. The Vision projects 20,000 households and 26,000 jobs in 2040 and beyond.

The Integrated Downtown Plan will align with the following Term of Council Priorities:

  1. Brampton is a City of Opportunities – Create Comple​te Communities
  2. Brampton is a City of Opportunities – Unlock Downtown and Uptown
  3. Brampton is a City of Opportunities – Prioritize Jobs within Centres
  4. Brampton is a City of Opportunities – Attract Investment & Employment
  5. Brampton is a Green City – Equalize all forms of Transportation
  6. Brampton is a Green City – Sustainable Growth​​


The Integrated Downtown Plan will:

  1. Co-ordinate the City’s ongoing initiatives and infrastructure projects in the Downtown Brampton;
  2. Provide an evolving framework to guide future growth and strategic investment in Downtown Brampton to 2051; and,
  3. Focus on achieving mutually beneficial objectives between various projects by defining actions to advance short, medium, and long-term solutions while guiding cross-departmental implementation.​

Downtown Brampton, also identified as Downtown Brampton Secondary Plan Area 7, is generally geographically defined as the boundary south of Vodden Street, west of the Etobicoke Creek, north of Main Street and Harold Street, and east of McLaughlin Road.

Boundary Map

The City has many active ongoing Downtown-related projects across all City Departments today. There is a need to ensure these projects are aligned and coordinated towards a shared vision, goals, and objectives for the future of the Downtown.

The Integrated Downtown Plan is important because it:

  1. Emphasizes a project management framework - ensuring the alignment of major capital projects;
  2. Will ensure City-owned properties play their part in becoming thriving cultural and community hubs; and,
  3. Will address both immediate infrastructure challenges and longer-term societal opportunities to inspire the urban development of Bampton’s downtown.​

The Integrated Downtown Plan will guide future growth and strategic investment in Downtown Brampton to 2051, and the lifespan of the plan will be for the next 30 years. The overall project timeline is anticipated for approximately from 2021 to 2023.​

You may get involved by attending future public meetings and open houses.

Visit our Meetings and Events pa​ge for upcoming opportunities.

The City of Brampton hosted a Downtown Design Charrette to develop a vision illustrating the long-term future for its downtown from July 18th to 20th, 2022. The multi-day sessions was a collaboration with the community to improve, enhance, and transform Downtown Brampton. The Design Charrette built upon the work completed as part of the Brampton 2040 Vision, Brampton Plan (new Official Plan), and current Term of Council Priorities. The Planning Partnership are the consultants that lead the Design Charrette.

The results of the three-day Downtown Design Charrette will be shared at a future virtual open house session planned for September 2022. The outcomes of the Design Charrette will inform the outcome of the Integrated Downtown Plan, future plan and actions in Q1 2023.

You can find more information on the Design Charrette under the “Reports and Presentations” section.​

The City hosted two online Integrated Downtown Plan surveys between April 8 to May 31, 2022 to receive feedback from residents on the future of Downtown Brampton. The results of the survey will be shared at a future public open house and will inform the next steps for the IDP and the direction of Downtown's future.​

Our Vision is the long-term goal for our city.

Learn about the 2040 Vision​​

To receive news or information regarding future meetings and events, please email the project leads to be added to the project distribution list. For additional information on the Integrated Downtown Plan project or to provide comments, please contact the project leads:

Shahid Mahmood, Principal Planner/Supervisor
City Planning and Design

Shahinaz Eshesh, Policy Planner III
City Planning and Design

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