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Parks Cleanup

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Each year families, friends, community organizations, businesses, and school groups participate in the Parks Cleanup Program by helping keep Brampton clean and green. The Program helps remove litter that has accumulate​d, promotes community engagement, and creates healthy vibrant spaces. It’s also about helping us ​achieve our Brampton Grow Green goals, and our litter reduction goals​.​​

​​ Portrait of Bill

Meet Bill. He cleans up litter. Be like Bill.

Long-time Bramptonian Bill started his cleanup journey more than three years ago when he noticed garbage in a nearby ravine. He started cleaning the ravine litter – some that had been around for decades – and then expanded his efforts to other nearby areas.

Soon after, he created a volunteer group called P.A.L. (People Against Littering). Each week, more than 10 volunteers gather to cleanup garbage in local parks and spaces. “Our goal is to unite the community into a powerful force to take back control of our parks and streets from litter bugs and litter thugs,” says Bill.

So, what keeps Bill going? “The feeling is almost addictive,” he says. “It is also a thrill to see others smiling and enjoying areas that we have cleaned up and to be appreciated by them.”

Bill has a message for all Bramptonians: “Folks, pick the litter up! If we all picked up just five pieces of litter a week, that would have a major impact.”

Be like Bill and do your part to keep Brampton clean and green.

Safety Tips

Your health and safety is the highe​st priority at our cleanups. Please read the following tips and take every precaution to avoid personal injury.

  • Wear appropriate and protective clothing according to the weather (e.g. boots, gloves, hat, sunscreen).
  • Be familiar with your clean up area.
  • Only pick up litter during daylight hours.
  • Use a litter picker if you have one.
  • Watch for and avoid hazards, such as wild animals, insects, noxious weeds and glass
  • Do not pick up any material that may be hazardous, such as needles/syringes, broken glass, chemicals, dead animals and heavy/oversized objects. Instead, mark the location and call 3-1-1
  • Do not walk on roadways or steep hills and embankments.
  • Be mindful of vehicles when near or adjacent to a road.
  • Do not enter water bodies to retrieve items.
  • Do not approach homeless encampments, call 311 to report the location.
  • Do not trespass on private property.
  • Do not compress garbage or reach into garbage containers with hands or feet.
  • Always put masks, gloves and other home health care waste in a bag before throwing them in the garbage.
  • If you collect recyclables during your cleanup, please recycle them. To learn more about how to sort your waste, visit the Region of Peel’s website at​
  • Wash your hands after your clean up.

Parks Cleanup FAQs

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