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Routine Disclosure Requests

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The City of Brampton has outlined procedures with respect to providing routine access to By-Law and Enforcement Records, while protecting personal information as required under MFIPPA.

​Routine Disclosure includes the following records:

​​Record TypeDisclosure ConditionExamples of Potential Redactions
Complaint Information SheetMay be viewed, copied and releasedComplainant name and contact information, pronouns (she/her etc.)
Administration Log SheetMay be viewed, copied and releasedComplainant name and contact information, pronouns (she/her etc.)
Officer CommentsMay be viewed, copied and releasedNames, street addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers
PicturesMay be viewed, copied and releasedPersonal identifiers (i.e. photographs of people, licence plate numbers)

Routine Disclosure Excludes the following records:

Record TypeDisclosure ConditionRational
Orders to ComplyMay be fully or partially available through MFIPPA Access RequestInformation captured in the Officer Comments Records
Property Standard OrdersMay be fully or partially available through MFIPPA Access RequestInformation captured in the Officer Comments Records
Returned MailingsMay be fully or partially available through MFIPPA Access RequestExtraneous information to the Enforcement Case file
Other DocumentationMay be fully or partially available through MFIPPA Access RequestExtraneous information to the Enforcement Case file​​

Requestor pays a $75 application fee per document.​​​
User Fee By-law 380-2003

Routine Disclosure applies to CCTV audio and/or video data captured by CCTV cameras that are operated by the City of Brampton, or one of its vendors. There are no exclusions.​

​Requestor pays an application fee of $125 for every 15 minutes or part thereof of footage.
User Fee By-law 380-2003​​

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Privacy Statement

Personal information is being collected for the purpose of providing records under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions regarding this collection should be directed to the Coordinator, Access & Privacy, City Clerk’s Office, 2 Wellington St. West, Brampton, ON, L6Y 4R2 or by email at