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Insurance Claims

Insurance Claims

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Claim Notification Process​

  • If you have incurred costs for which you believe the City may be responsible, you must follow the process outlined below for the City to consider your claim.
  • In some situations, you are required to place the City on notice within 10 days of the incident. The Municipal Act requires that the City receives notification in writing.
  • To ensure that your claim meets the notice requirement, please forward your claim to the following address within the 10 day notice period.

  • City Clerk’s Office
    ​Corporation of the City of Brampton
    2 Wellington Street West
    Brampton, Ontario
    • ​​​Note that payment in respect of property damage or bodily injury will require that the City be found legally liable for the damages that you have incurred.
    • Claims will be investigated without prejudice, based on the facts as they present themselves and under standard legal practices and principles.
    • In all cases of damage you should contact your insurance company or broker.
    • Your insurance policy may provide coverage for your damage and this may be the quickest way to recover costs and have the repairs done.
    • Your insurance company can then pursue any party they believe to be responsible for the damage.​​​

    The City is committed to resolutions that are fair and reasonable. You can expect to be treated with respect and in a professional manner. ​​Although you may not always get the answer you desire, the City will provide the basis for its position and do its best to explain the rationale behind the decisions made regarding claims.​​