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Understanding Encampments

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The COVID-19 pandemic combined with the rising costs of living and prolonged housing crisis continues to contribute to an increase of homeless encampments across Canada. As one of Canada's largest cities, the City of Brampton has also seen an increase of encampments across the city.

Encampments are temporary accommodations generally made up of outdoor tents and makeshift shelters.

Key points to consider when it comes to better understanding encampments in Brampton:

  • People experiencing homelessness are not a homogenous group. They have different needs and different experiences that led them to being unhoused​.
  • To address e​ncampments effectively, a multi-sectoral approach is needed with support from all levels of government.
  • While the City of Brampton is responsible for maintaining its city-owned parklands and spaces as well as enforcing its by-laws, housing and social supports are under the jurisdiction of the Region of Peel, provincial, and federal government.

See the Emergency Supports and Resources section below for more information.

Brampton's Housing Plan

Brampton's Municipal Housing Pledge provides details on the range of ongoing and planned City initiatives that will support strategic growth and accelerate new housing supply in Brampton.

​Learn more about Housing Brampton.

Our Brampton Parklands

The City of Brampton has over 850 parks. Some are designated for active uses, with soccer fields and baseball diamonds; others are designated for passive recreation, with sitting areas and playground facilities for young children.

Park users have a shared responsibility to help keep open spaces clean and safe for everyone. All parks are governed by the Park Lands By-law, which is based on common courtesy, cleanliness, and consideration for others. The Park Lands By-law detail all of rules and regulations for Brampton parks.​

Encampments in Parks

Encampments are temporary accommodations consisting of tents in parks, parklands or greenbelts. Encampments are in violation of the Park Lands By-law which outlines that overnight camping and loitering between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. is prohibited.

Once an encampment is located and investigated, Peel Outreach​ is contacted. The responding team experienced with various backgrounds, works in partnership with local community agencies to offer support to people according to their individual needs.

 Emergency Supports and Resources

Peel Outreach is a service provided by the Region of Peel and managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association. The Peel Outreach team meets people where they are at to provide support, advocacy, and referrals to help people with their basic needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the Street Helpline: 1-877-848-8481.​​

If you need an immediate place to stay there are shelters available for youth, families, adults, and people fleeing violence or abuse. Learn more about ​shelters in Peel Region. Call 905-450-1996 if you need a safe place to stay or access to shelters.​

Learn More about shelters in Peel Region

Transitional housing offers structure, supervision, support, and life skills to help people go from homelessness to permanent housing.

Learn More about Transitional Housing

If you are homeless, at risk of losing your housing, or need affordable housing you may qualify for: housing subsidies; getting help with utilities; rent or mortgage bills; affordable housing options.

Learn Moreabout Help with Housing

Community Organizations may offer stay the night programs, drop-in programs, food banks and community food programs​ to help with meals, basic needs, out of the cold, and other programs to support those who are homeless.

Regeneration located in Grace United Church, at 156 Main Street Brampton, helps people experiencing homelessness by providing meals, showers and laundry, access to phones, computers, staff support and more. Call Regeneration at 905-796-5888.​​​​​​

Learn More about Drop-in and homeless support programs

Financial help is available from the Ontario government through Ontario Works. Short-term financial help is also available.

Learn More about Financial Help

If you are in urgent need of help, call 911 immediately. If you are experiencing violence or abuse, there are various supports that can help.

Learn Moreabout Family and Intimate Partner Violence and Supports

  • Distress Centre Peel: 905-278-7208
  • Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
  • EveryMind's 24/7 Crisis Response Service: 905-278-9036
  • Peel Public Health: 905-799-7700

You can request, track, and explore City services by accessing the 311 City of Brampton website​ or calling 311. Use 311 to learn about or request help with:

  • applications and permits
  • transit
  • taxes
  • recreation services
  • roads and sidewalks
  • litter and graffiti
  • animal services
  • parks, trees and recreation trails
  • property concerns and by-law enforcement
  • parking services and mobile licensing
  • and more

If you notice a new encampment in your neighbourhood, you can notify the city so we can request outreach services or other supports to the area.​

Calling 211 or accessing the 211 Central website can help provide you with information about human services: health, social and community services, from any level of government and other service providers.