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​Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

​​​​​​​Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Pilot​​

As part of its commitment to environmental sustainability, the City of Brampton is seeking proposals to develop innovative infrastructure for the charging of personal-use electric vehicles (EVs).

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​​​​City Council approved By-Law 183-2023 on November 1, 2023, to establish a user fee structure for electr​ic vehicle (EV) charging stations owned by the City of Brampton beginning January 1, 2024.​​

There will be a fee of $1/hour for the initial three hours a vehicle is charging at all existing and any future public network EV charging stations the City of Brampton owns. Brampton currently has 63 EV charging Stations including City Hall, West Tower, several recreation centres, Rose Theatre and other property owned by the City.

If a driver needs to charge their vehicle beyond the initial three hours, a secondary user fee of $5/hour will be applicable. City of Brampton vehicles will be exempt from this user fee and will have appropriate access control.​

Fine for illegal us​​e of electric vehicle charging stations/parking spaces.

As of January 2021, a new legislative change has been implemented across Ontario to ensure electric vehicle (EV) charging spaces are used by vehicles that are plugged-in only. This change is in effect in all City of Brampton EV charging stations as of J​anuary 2021.

The fine is for non-electric vehicle and use by EVs that are not plugged-in using these designated parking spaces. On conviction, vehicle owners are subject to a $125 fine if they:

  • park a non-electric vehicle in a designated EV charging space marked by the prescribed sign
  • park an electric vehicle that is not plugged-in at an EV charging space marked by the prescribed sign

For more information on legislative change regarding electrical vehicles​

Cassie Campbell Community Centre - NEWSurface LotNear Main Entrance
Chinguacousy Wellness CenterSurface LotParking Lot
City HallUndergroundParking Garage (P2)
City Hall West TowerUndergroundParking Garage (P1)
Flower City Community Campus (FCCC) Unit 1Surface LotAt Unit 1 Parking Lot
Gore Meadows Community Centre - NEWSurface LotNear Main Entrance
Loafer’s Lake Recreation Centre - NEWSurface LotNear Main Entrance
Market Square ParkingUndergroundRose Theatre Parking Garage (P2)
Nelson Garage ParkingParking StructureLevel 1
Riverstone Community CentreSurface LotParking Lot
Sandalwood TransitSurface LotNear Main Entrance
Save Max Sports CentreSurface LotUnder solar car port
Springdale LibrarySurface LotNear library main entrance
Susan Fennell Sportsplex (Formerly South Fletcher's Sportsplex)Surface LotIn South Parking Lot
Williams Parkway Operations CentreSurface LotNear Main Entrance

These parking spaces are reserved for electric vehicles while charging. They are clearly marked with green paint and signs.

As part of the City of Brampton’s commitment to environmental sustainability, we hope that providing the infrastructure to support electric vehicles will encourage more residents to adopt this environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional cars, and lower their carbon footprint.

Brampton appreciates the support of Partners in Project Green, who provided a grant toward the installation of many of the City’s charging stations.​​​ The solar-powered carport at the Brampton Soccer Centre was funded by the Province of Ontario's Electric Vehicle Chargers Ontario​ program.​​​​​​​​​​​​


An electric car uses an electric motor, powered by a battery, instead of a traditional gasoline engine. The batteries in these vehicles need to be recharged when depleted. Electric vehicle charging stations are essentially specialized outlets that these vehicles can plug into to recharge their batteries.

All the stations are level-2 charging stations, which can fully charge a vehicle in 3 to 6 hours, depending on vehicle type.

These charging stations are being installed as part of the City of Brampton’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Helping to make electric vehicles more convenient for residents and businesses in Brampton will encourage more residents to adopt this environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional cars, and lower their carbon footprint.

Anyone with a plug-in electric vehicle is welcome to use the charging stations.

The City will charge a user fee of $1 an hour for the first three hours of charging, and $5 an hour for every hour afterwards. City Council recently approved By-Law 183-2023: User Fee Structure for EV Charging Stations. If the pilot project is successful, the City of Brampton will begin charging fees at all 63 charging stations in February 2024.

New charging stations will also charge user fees. All City of Brampton vehicles will be exempt from the user fees and will have access to all charging stations.

Affected parking spaces are marked with signage indicating that parking is restricted to electric vehicles only, and also have a green electric car symbol painted on the pavement.

No, parking in these spaces is reserved exclusively for electric vehicles (EV) while charging. As of January 2021, use by non-EV owners or EV owners not plugged-in, on conviction, are subject to a $125 fine.

No, only electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles that are plugged-in for the purpose of charging their vehicles can park in a designated space.

This is a Provincially mandated statute that came into effect on January 1, 2021. The City of Brampton is complying with the mandate.

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