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Accessible Service

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​All of our buses are accessible. Accessible buses are equipped with:

  • Low floors
  • Extendable ramp, kneeling feature at front doors
  • Reserved wheelchair/scooter areas​

Passengers are responsible for the safe manoeuvring of their mo​bility device.​ A support person accompanying a passenger with a disability travels for free.

 Boarding the Bus

​Brampton Transit's Bus Operators are trained to provide the safest and most efficient service for riders with accessibility needs. Training includes safe operation of the ramp system and an understanding of customer needs. Don't hesitate to ask your Bus Operator a question.

  • When the bus arrives, all passengers must enter the bus through the front doors. If required, ask the Operator to lower the ramp. Ensure you are located on a flat open space so the ramp can be lowered safely. Avoid areas where trees, poles, hydrants and other obstacles may damage your equipment or jeopardize your safety.
  • Remain six feet away from the front of the bus when the ramp is being lowered. This allows adequate clearance for the Operator to open the doors and deploy the ramp safely.
  • Proceed up the ramp, facing the Operator. Passengers are required to board independently or have their Support Person assist them.
  • Pay your fare by tapping your PRESTO card on the PRESTO Card Reader, or place cash fare in the farebox. Request a transfer if transferring buses and advise the Operator of your desired destination.
  • Proceed to the priority seating area located at the front of the bus. The Operator will ensure the priority seats are raised to allow your device to reverse into the securement space. Once in place, please fasten the seatbelt located on your mobility device, lock your brakes and turn off the power supply. Request the Operator’s assistance if additional securement is required.

 Exiting the Bus

  • If you did not notify the Operator of your desired destination at the beginning of your trip, press the yellow stop strip located on the raised bus seat to signal the Operator to stop at the next stop.
  • Once the bus comes to a complete stop, remove securements and unlock your brakes. If required, request the Operator’s assistance.
  • Proceed to the space located behind the Operator seating area. Remain behind the yellow safety line on the floor until the Operator deploys the ramp completely.
  • Exit the bus through the front doors, facing forward, and proceed safely down the ramp to end your trip.

 Service Animals

​Service animals are permitted on all Brampton Transit buses. They must be clearly identified; for example, a guide dog wearing a harness and/or vest. Passengers are responsible for the care, supervision and control of their service animals at all times, service animals must not block the bus aisle.

When possible, larger service animals should be placed on the floor between the customer’s knees sitting up so that the service animal is supported by the person’s legs providing greater stability while the transit vehicle is in motion.

When possible, customers who are able, should adjust or fold the footrests of their assistive device while on the bus and have their service animal sit in front of the assistive device, instead of lying down on the floor.
If a customer is unable to adjust the assistive device footrests, they should have the service animal seated beside the assistive device nearest the aisle, as close as possible to the customer and if necessary, have the service animal temporarily seated in front of them while other customers are boarding.

 Next Stop Announcement

​All Brampton Transit buses, including Züm, are equipped with an automated next-stop announcement system. The next-stop announcement system knows the real-time location of the bus along the route established by a GPS signal.

Once a bus approaches a stop or terminal, the upcoming stop location is displayed on LED signs located in the front interior of the bus, allowing you to prepare to exit the bus. At the same time as the interior LED sign displays the next stop, an automated voice will announce the next stop on the internal speakers.

In the case of malfunctioning equipment, the bus operator will announce the next stop using the vehicle’s public address system or manually calling out the next stop.

 Inaccessible Stops

​​Where barriers may exist (including temporary barriers such​ as road construction or winter snow) at a bus stop, transit operators will ensure that passengers are able to board and exit the bus at a safe location.