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Bus Fares

Bus Fares

​​​​​​​Fare payment is in effect

Riders are encouraged to use PRESTO as a form of contactless payment.

Effective May 1, 2023

Cash Fare: $4.50​

Exact change is required when paying cash. Upon request, a two-hour paper transfer is issued at time of fare payment.

Contactless Credit Card and Debit Card: $4.50

PRESTO_Contactless_PaymentBrands_Jul052022-01 (002).png

For contactless credit and debit cards, including those on phones and watches, a two-hour electronic transfer is automatically included in the cost of the fare.​

Note: Brampton Transit does not charge additional fees, however standard banking transaction fees may apply. Check with your banking institution for questions ab​out transaction fees.​

Other participating agencies include Burlington Transit, Durham Region Transit, GO Transit , Hamilton Street Railway, MiWay, Oakville Transit, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), UP Express and York Region Transit.

Visit PRESTO Contactless​ to learn more.​​​​​​​​

Per Trip$3.40$2.80$1.75-$2.00Free
Weekly Pass$37.50$30.25--$22.00Free
Monthly Pass$141.25$118.00--$84.00Free
Annual Pass---Free--

  • Adult: 20 - 64 years of age
  • Senior: 65 years of age and older
  • Senior Resident: 65 years of age and older with a Brampton Transit Senior Identification Card and PRESTO Card loaded with a free annual pass.
  • Youth: 13 - 19 years of age
  • Child: 6 - 12 years of age
  • Preschool Child: 5 years of age and under. Must be accompanied by a fare paying passenger.

Riders may be asked to present identification at the Operators discretion.

Learn more about PRESTO Fare Types​.​

NO REFUNDS on PRESTO passes or PRESTO farecard issuance fees.

PRESTO card balance refunds $50.00 and under can be refunded by Brampton Transit on registered cards only. Refunds are subject to a mandatory 4% fee and the card must be returned. Refunds must be made in-person with government issued photo identification.

PRESTO card balance refunds over $50.00 must be done by a mail-in form to PRESTO. Learn more about PRESTO refunds​.

You can get a new PRESTO card in Apple Wallet or Google Wallet for free.
A physical PRESTO card costs $4.00 and is non-refundable.
A protective card sleeve can be purchased for $2.00.

A $0.05 minimum load is required upon purchase and at each reloading. The $0.05 can be used towards a Brampton Transit pass (weekly or monthly).

Paying with Cash
Customers ride free when using a GO Transit Single Ride paper ticket or Day Pass paper ticket when travelling to and from a GO Train station. The One Fare does not apply to GO’s Group Pass paper passes or its new e-tickets. 

Paying with Contactless Credit Card or Debit Card
Customers ride free when transferring between Brampton Transit and GO Transit bus or train service within the transfer window. When using a contactless credit or debit card to transfer between GO Transit and Brampton Transit, please tap the same card, phone or watch that you started your journey with. Applicable fares or transfers are automatically calculated by the device. A paper transfer will not be issued.
Paying with PRESTO
PRESTO cardholders ride free when transferring between Brampton Transit and GO Transit bus or train service within the transfer window. The discount and transfer will be stored on your PRESTO card.
Transferring from Brampton Transit to GO Transit:
  1. Tap onto a Brampton Transit bus and a full fare is deducted from your card balance.
  2. When transferring to GO Transit, tap your PRESTO card and the GO Transit fare will be deducted.
  3. When exiting and tapping off of GO Transit, a credit for the Brampton Transit fare will be applied.
Transferring from GO Transit to Brampton Transit:
  1. When tapping on to GO Transit, the GO fare is deducted from your card balance. Don't forget to tap off to ensure the right fare amount is charged.
  2. When you tap onto a connecting Brampton Transit bus, there will be no charge deducted from your card.
Transfer for free when you tap a valid physical PRESTO card, PRESTO in Google Wallet, or credit/debit card on a PRESTO device when you connect to or from GO Transit using Brampton Transit. PRESTO will automatically apply the discount to your PRESTO, credit, or debit account. The free transfer is valid for 2 hours if you start your trip on Brampton Transit and 3 hours if you start on GO Transit.​

FREE - Must have CNIB Card

Those paying with their PRESTO card balance can earn free rides. Travel more than 12 times in one week, Monday to Sunday, and every trip after will be free for that week.

Transfers and fares paid on other transit service providers and discounted One Fare payments do not count toward this program.​
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