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Council adopted Brampton Plan – the City’s new Official Plan on November 1st, 2023. Brampton Plan is in effect since June 6th, 2024 after receiving the Region of Peel’s notice of approval with modification, except for any sections that may be subject to appeal. It is a statutory requirement under the Planning Act to update the City’s Zoning By-law to implement the new Official Plan.

The current Comprehensive Zoning By-law – By-law 270-2004, as amended, is also outdated and not equipped to appropriately regulate the types and intensity of development and growth that Brampton is facing today. The current zoning by-law was a consolidation of the four separate former zoning by-laws that were in effect prior to amalgamation of four Brampton’s founding communities in 1974.

The City has retained WSP Canda Group Limited as the Lead Consultant to conduct background research and prepare a new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law will layout a new clear and predictable set of rules and standards for how lands can be used and developed in Brampton. This should make the development process in Brampton easier, faster and more consistent, including when a property owner prepares for a development application and for City staff to review an application.

The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law will implement policies set out in Brampton Plan and follow recent provincial planning legislations and policies and the federal Housing Accelerator Fund Agreement.​ It will be informed by other ongoing studies and initiatives, including but not limited to the new Urban Design Guidelines​, Major Transit Station Areas Review, Housing Brampton and the Brampton Parking Plan.

The new Comprehensive Zoning By-law will also:

  • Update and modernize zoning regulations, definitions and approaches to match best practices.
  • Use plain language and visuals so residents, property and business owners, planners and all other city-builders can easily read and understand the contents.
  • Be user-friendly so any person can easily find and access zoning information relating to their property or any property of interest using the web and on an interactive map.
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the current zoning rules.
  • Consider the different neighbourhoods and communities in Brampton as they set to evolve and grow.

It is not within the scope of this project to consider and include site-specific zoning amendments for new potential development. To submit a development application, please contact the City's Development and Design division in the Planning, Building and Growth Management Department (e:​

The City is undertaking a separate but parallel review​ to prepare for new and updated Secondary Plans for 12 Primary/Protected Major Transit Station Areas (PMTSAs). The relevant Secondary Plan Amendments are expected to be brought to Council for decision in the first quarter of 2025 in accordance with the statutory Planning Act requirements. The applicable zoning provisions and development standards for the will be incorporated into the second draft of the New Comprehensive Zoning By-law. Please note that the Brampton Innovation District and Bramalea GO MTSAs are not part of the PMTSAs.

Lands along the section of Main Street North between Church Streets and Vodden Streets are subject to a different land use control tool under the Planning Act called the Development Permit System (DPS) / Community Planning Permit System (CPPS). The Main Street North Development Permit System By-law (By-law 230-2012, as amended) applies to these lands – not the current zoning by-law (By-law 270-2004). Therefore, these lands are not included as part of the lands subject to the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

The City will be undertaking a comprehensive review of the DPS / CPPS as part of the future Downtown Brampton Secondary Plan Review.

A primary goal of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law is to minimize the need for site-specific zoning by-law amendments and minor variance applications, so that the processing of development proposals can be streamlined and that more homes can be built faster to meet the provincial housing targets and the City's Municipal Housing Pledge.

The project team recognizes that there will be circumstances that require site-specific zoning regulations to reflect local contexts and Council's decisions. Part of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review is to undertake a comprehensive review of the current site-specific zoning provisions and development standards. This work is ongoing.

The project's Lead Consultant is preparing a Technical Memorandum on the recommended approach to the Exception Zones / Special Section in consultation with City staff. It is expected that any Exception Zones carried forward will be included in the Special Section in the future drafts of the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

It is anticipated the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review will conclude in 2025, after which City Council will decide and adopt the proposed new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. After any resulting post-approval process, the new By-law will come into effect at the end of a transition period between the current zoning by-law (By-law 270-2004) and the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

As part of implementing a new Comprehensive Zoning By-law, the City will need to decide on a strategy to address submitted and/or approved development applications made before the enactment of the new Zoning By-law.

The project's Lead Consultant is preparing a Technical Memorandum on the recommended approach(es) to transitional clauses in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law in consultation with City staff. The final recommended approach(es) will be reflected in future drafts of the new Zoning By-law and Recommendation Report to Council.

Once Council adopts the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law, new development proposals will be requested to comply with the new Zoning By-law.

You can identify the proposed zoning on the interactive map he​re​. The associated proposed zoning provisions and development standards can also be viewed by selecting the property or by referencing the corresponding section(s) in the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

The City has launched a series of public engagement and consultation events for the new Co​​mprehensive Zoning By-law starting the first quarter in 2024. Click here ​to learn more about the date/time.

If you have any general inquiries about the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law project, please email

If you want to subscribe for project update​s, click ​here​.

If you have specific comments about the proposed Comprehensive Zoning By-law draft, please email your comment to us (and identify the address of the property in the email as applicable). You may also wish to register onto our Formal Notification / Interested Party List.​

Questions or Comments?