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Prosecutors' Office


The Prosecution Unit is part of the Legal Services Division of the City of Brampton and represents the City in the prosecution of municipal by-laws and provincial statutes, and at the City’s administrative tribunals. ​The Prosecutions Unit does not provide legal services or advice to members of the public. If you are looking for a lawyer or paralegal to represent you or give you advice or counsel, you can contact the ​ Law Society of Ontario Referral Service​.


You have a right to know what the Prosecutor's case is. T​​his is called "disclosure". Disclosure is a process by which the defendant is provided with copies of all evidentiary documentation including such items as police or enforcement officer's notes and witness statements that may be used by the Prosecutor during the trial.​​


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Disclosure Requ​est Form​​

Please review the options below prior to requesting disclosure:

 Service of Documents

Note: MTO documents are not to be submitted via this website.​

The Prosecutors’ Office accepts Motions, Applications, and First Adjournment Requests to be served upon it by email.

Motions, Applications, and First Adjourn​ment Requests may be served by sending a copy to the Prosecutions Unit at the following email address:

Prosecutor Pre-trial Meeting – Part III, Highway Traffic Act Offences​​​​​

This meeting is reserved for offences under Part III of the Highway Traffic Act. For Municipal By-law offences, please contact the assigned Prosecutor.​

Please ensure disclosure has been fulfilled prior to booking your request.​

Book Meeting Now​​​​

Contact Court Services

  • Ontario Court of Justice Provincial Offences Court
  • Provincial Offences Court Office
  • 5 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton L6Y 5L7
  • Hours of Operation: Monday t​o Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm (excluding holidays)
  • Phone: 905.450.4770
  • Fax: 905.450.4794
  • TTY Phone Line: 905.874.2130

Contact Prosecutions

  • Prosecution Office
  • 5 Ray Lawson Blvd, Brampton L6Y 5L7 (2nd Floor)
  • Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm (excluding holidays)
  • Phone: 905.450.7211​