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Concierge Program

Concierge Program

​​​​​​​​​​Program Details

The Concierge Program is an early deliverable of Housing Brampton.​

Goal of the Concierge Program

To assist non-profit and private-sector developers of affordable rental and ownership housing, including transitional housing to navigate through site selection, funding, incentives, partnerships and approvals processes.

Project Eligibility for the Concierge Program

  • Region of Peel transitional and supportive housing developments (eg. emergency youth shelters)
  • Non-profit sector affordable housing projects
  • Private sector ownership or purpose-built rental projects qualifying for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) funding for affordable housing (at least 25% of the units would need to be affordable); projects approved for Region of Peel Incentives Program for middle income affordable rental housing; and projects partnering with registered non-profits primarily working in housing

Services Offered by the Concierge Program

  1. Assistance with Site Selection and Pre-purchase Review: Assistance to developers on site feasibility aspects, identification of requisite studies prior to developers applying for regional or federal funding.
  2. Partnerships: Facilitation of inclusionary housing opportunities by connecting market developers with non-profit groups providing affordable housing.
  3. Funding and Incentives: Education on financial assistance programs (eg. at Region of Peel and CMHC), package of City incentives (eg. fee waivers, grants etc. that will be established upon endorsement of Housing Brampton)
  4. Development Considerations: Early discussions and planning assistance on matters impacting project proformas, such as parking requirements, allowing phased approvals of Site Plan applications, simplified submission requirements, alternate development standards and innovative approaches.

Administration of the Concierge Program

Integrated City Planning (Housing) staff will be the key contact and guide the applicants through the various components of the program, including collaboration with housing service providers. Staff will receive and address inquiries, direct applicants to resources, receive requests for participation in the Concierge Program and determine if the development qualifies for the program. Staff will issue an Endorsement Letter to eligible applicants, who will submit it with the formal development application. This letter can also be submitted by the applicant to funding agencies.

Concierge Program – Plans in Action​

Letters of Eligibility have been issued for the following projects;

1. Region of Peel Affordable Housing Project at 4 & 10 Knightsbridge Road, Brampton

The proposed project will be led by Region of Peel’s Housing Development Office in partnership with IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc.

  • The project will contribute 118 market rental units and 82 affordable rental units at rents below 60% to the City of Brampton. The unit mix will include approximately 50% large bedroom units. The affordable units will remain affordable in perpetuity and will be managed by Peel Housing Corporation (PHC).
  • The project will be funded through an agreement with the National Housing Strategy – National Co-Investment Fund Program. The targeted deadline for building permit and occupancy is 2025.

2. Region of Peel Affordable Housing Project at 5 Rutherford Road S., Brampton


The proposed project will be led by Region of Peel’s Housing Development Office in partnership with IBI Group.

  • The project will renovate and repurpose the existing hotel building into affordable rental housing with a total of 67 affordable rental units consisting of 50 rental apartments and 17 rental apartment for youth. The affordable rental units will be rented at a maximum of 30% of the tenants gross income and remain affordable for 20 years.
  • The project is funded through an agreement with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as part of the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI). To meet the requirements of RHI, the targeted deadline for occupancy is in early 2022.

3. Affordable Housing Project by Habitat for Humanity at 1524 Countryside Drive, Brampton


The proposed project will be led by Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area with Glen Schnarr & Associates Inc. as the consultant.

  • The project will provide 15 stacked back-to-back townhouse units to families in need.
  • The project is funded by the future owners (sweat equity and affordable mortgages) and donations to the organization.

4. Purpose-built and Affordable Rental Housing Project at 31-33 George Street, Brampton

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The proposed project will be led by a partnership between Greenwin Corp. and Sweeny Holdings Inc.

  • The site will be redeveloped with a 2-tower, purpose-built rental, mixed-use, high-density project including commercial, heritage, and hotel components. Occupancy is targeted for Q3 of 2026.
  • The project is partially funded through an agreement with the Region of Peel as part of the Affordable Housing Incentives Pilot Program (AHIPP). This will provide at least 40 affordable rental units consisting of 6 one-bedroom units, 20 two-bedroom units, and 14 three-bedroom units. The affordable rental units will be rented at a maximum of 134% of the median market rent. The affordable rental units will remain affordable for 26 years.​

5. Region of Peel Affordable Rental Housing Project at 525 Main Street, North, Brampton


The proposed development will be led by the Region of Peel’s Housing Development Office in partnership with IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc.

  • This 10 storey senior focussed development will contribute 197 rental units, all of which will be bar​rier free. The project will contribute approximately 116 units with rents set at the median market rent (MMR) as established by the Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC). The remaining 81 units will have rents set at or below 60% of the MMR as established by the CMHC. The unit mix will mainly be comprised of 1 bedroom units with a very limited number of 2 bedroom units.
  • The project will be funded through an agreement with the National Housing Strategy-National Co-Investment Fund Program. The targeted deadline for occupancy is 2025.

6. Brampton Youth Shelter by Region of Peel at 1358 Queen Street West

The proposed development will be led by the Region of Peel’s Housing DevelopmentOffice in partnership with IBI Group Professional Services (Canada) Inc.

  • This 4 storey Youth Shelter is proposed to contain 4​0 beds on a 0.73 ha site. The project will be managed by The Region of Peel (ROP).
  • The project will be funded through an agreement with the National Housing Strategy –National Co-Investment Fund Program. The targeted deadline for occupancy is 2024/2025

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