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Exemption from Part Lot Control


 Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control

Part Lot Control is a provision under Section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p.13, that regulates the transfer or sale of part of a lot or block within a registered plan of subdivision. An Exemption from Part Lot Control temporarily removes part-lot control from all or any part of a registered plan of subdivision to:

  • facilitate the division of blocks on registered plans of subdivision into townhouse, or semi-detached dwelling unit lots,
  • facilitate the subdivision of commercial and industrial blocks on registered plans of subdivision, or,
  • facilitate the creation of maintenance easements.

For requests other than these common types of applications (e.g., correction of title, a charge, a lease or a lot addition) the Applicant should consult with Planning and Development Services of the City of Brampton before filing an application.

An Exemption from Part Lot Control requires City Council to approve a By-law to allow the exemption. The process of reviewing an application for exemption, preparing the By-law and presenting it to Council typically takes about 6 weeks after confirmation of a complete application. As City Council meeting dates are subject to change or cancellation, it is highly recommended that applications for Exemption be submitted as far in advance as possible to ensure the By-law is in effect prior to any pending closing dates.​


The Applicant must confirm that all taxes owing on the properties contained in the application for Exemption from Part Lot Control are fully paid as of the date of the Council Meeting approving the Exemption By-law, including any taxes levied prior to the date of approval. Required insurance for the property must also be in place.

Confirm your current taxes owing status by visiting My Property Tax.

The Applicant submits their application ensuring that all required materials (per Schedule A Submission Checklist) are included.

Applications with missing materials or with unpaid taxes will delay presentation of the By-law to a later City Council meeting date.


The assigned Development Planner will circulate the application for technical review, prepare a draft By-law and submit it to the City Clerk’s office for inclusion on the desired City Council meeting agenda.

If the internal review indicates that taxes owing remain unpaid or that the required insurance is not in place, then the processing of the application will stop until these issues are addressed by the Applicant. A new, later, Council date to approve the By-law may need to be selected if these issues are not addressed promptly.

City Council will review and approve the By-law at the selected Council meeting. If for any reason, the expected Council meeting is cancelled, then a new date for presentation of the By-law will be selected.

Legal Services provides a notice of the adoption of the Exemption By-law to the Applicant along with an invoice for registration of the By-law with the Land Registry Office. Legal Services will register the By-law with the LRO within 6 business days of receiving payment for the invoice. The By-law only comes into effect once it is registered.

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