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Community Benefits Charges (CBC) Project



The Community Ben​efits Charges (CBC) is a new charge municipalities can leverage to recover growth-related costs that are not covered by Development charges (DCs). Community Benefits Charges enable the City to have the ability to apply a growth related charge across a broad range of high-density residential development, regardless of location and zoning permissions. Brampton aims to utilize CBC as a tool to help create complete communities within the intensification framework.

The Province released More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan in 2019. Bill 108 introduced the Community Benefits Charge (CBC), which is a new financing tool available to municipalities based on land value. The Province updated the Planning Act as part of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 (Bill 197) in order to implement the CBC. The CBC replaces the former Section 37 (density bonusing) provisions of the Planning Act. Brampton’s growth forecasts predict a population of 1.1 million by 2051. As the City’s greenfield areas build out, intensification in built-up areas is expected to continue, with a significant shift to high density residential development.


The CBC, once established, can be applied to all eligible high density residential developments in Brampton, and is underpinned by a more transparent process to calculating growth related fees. The CBC cap has been set at 4% of land value. To implement the CBC, a strategy and by-law needs to be developed by the City.

The City has retained a consulting firm to undertake the Community Benefits Charge Assessment, Strategy and By-law for Brampton.

The City envisions the project scope to encompass two components as under:

  1. CBC Assessment
  2. CBC Strategy and By-Law

The following are the services identified by the City that may benefit from a CBC Fund

  • Housing;
  • Public Realm;
  • Community Facilities;
  • Active Tran​sportation;
  • Parks & Trails
  • Parking
  • Heritage Assets
  • Administration

The CBC can apply only to residential developmen​ts with 5 or more stories and 10 or more units.

Certain types of development can be exempted from pa​​yment of the C.B.C. (i.e. long-term care homes, retirement homes, affordable housing and non-profit housing) in support of the City’s housing goals, and potential funding implications.​


Item Status: Past

​​Consultant retained​

Item Status: Past

Background research, data collection​

Item Status: Past

Ongoing public consultation and development of draft CBC Strategy
- First formal meeting & presentation to BILD (Peel Chapter)-June 13, 2022
- Council Workshop in a public format-June 27, 2022
- Second formal meeting & presentation to BILD (Peel Chapter)-July 13, 2022
- Draft CBC Strategy and CBC By-law circulated to BILD and posted on webpage for comments-August, 2022 ​

Item Status: Past

​​Recommendation Report to PDC​

Item Status: Past

Council adoption of CBC Strategy and By-law through a Special Council meeting

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