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Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Affordable Housing

​​​​​​​​​​An increasing number of Brampton residents are facing housing affordability challenges. The City’s first housing strategy – Housing Brampton – proposes a range of solutions and approaches to address housing affordability, including the implementation of a City-Wide Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Affordable Housing.

​In 2025 the City of Brampton launched its City-Wide CIP, which includes the following three programs:

1) Affordable Housing Capital Grant Program

The Capital Grant Program is a structured program to provide financial incentives to non-profit and private developers for affordable rental and affordable ownership housing units in Brampton.

The following eligibility requirements apply to projects being considered for funding:

  •  The units must meet the established affordability threshold in the annual Affordable Residential Units Bulletin and units must remain affordable for a minimum of 25 years; and
  • Applications are to be submitted between Site Plan Control submission, if applicable, or Building Permit submission and prior to the issuance of an Occupancy Permit.
Project proponents are required to submit an application form to the City for evaluation. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis. To receive an application form, please contact​.​

2) Grant Program for Garden Suites

This program provides rebates of several municipal fees for garden suites in order to support homeowners in the creation of new units and encourage gentle densification in low-density areas. Completed garden suite units which have been registered with the City’s Building Division are eligible to receive the rebate. The application form for the program can be found here.​

3) Concierge Program

The Concierge program provides a dedicated staff member to act as the key contact and guide applicants and applications for affordable housing through the various components of the approvals process. For more information please contact​.

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For more information on Housing Brampton, please contact:

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