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Park Design

​​​​Parks Hierarchy

Brampton strives to provide a variety of parks to meet the many and varied needs of Brampton residents and visitors who use our parks. Brampton uses a ‘hierarchy’ of parks (City, Community and Neighbourhood, and various sub types of each) with each park type providing a slightly different ‘experience’ for the user.

City Parks

City Parks serve as destinations for active recreation and are typically focal points within the City, as a whole. City Parks usually contain specialized facilities that service the entire city-wide population. Examples of City Parks include D. M. Gordon Chinguacousy Park, Gage Park and Sesquicentennial Park.

City Park Achitectural Drawing  


Community Parks serve as focal points within a smaller Community (as compared to City Parks) and provide a range of active and passive recreational opportunities. Community Parks often contain indoor recreational facilities (e.g. recreation centre or arena) and generally service a population within a 3-5 km radius. Examples of Community Parks include the Brampton Soccer Centre/Dixie Sandalwood Park (Dixie Road and Sandalwood Parkway) or Teramoto Park (Queen Street and Chinguacousy Road).

Community Park Architectural Drawing  

Neighbourhood Parks

Neighbourhood Parks​ are focal points of a neighbourhood and are generally 2 to 5 acres in size. They are meant to service the local population at a provision level of 0.5 hectares per 1,000 persons. There are four general park types within the Neighbourhood Park category: (in order from largest to smallest) ‘Local Parks’, ‘Town Squares’, ‘Parkettes’ and ‘Vest Pocket’ Parks.

The various park types are further detailed in the attached Parks Hierarchy Table.

Neighbourhood Park Architectural Drawing  

Park Facilities

Decisions on where facilities are located are dependent on factors such as park size, location, function, and service areas. The City uses the Suggested Facility Location Chart as part of its decision making process.


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