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Norval Quarry Re-Zoning Application


  • The Ontario Municipal Board scheduled a pre-hearing conference on the appeal by Brampton Brick of their zoning by-law application to permit a shale quarry on the east side of Winston Churchill Boulevard, north of Old Pi​ne Crest Road in the City of Brampton.
  • Please be advised that a settlement has been reached between the City of Brampton and Brampton Brick that has resulted in the complete withdrawal of the rezoning and licensing applications and Ontario Municipal Board appeals. The City’s development file on this matter is now closed. New applications would be required if Brampton Brick seeks to re-visit a quarry operation at this site in the future.
  • As part of the settlement, all existing permissions of the Official Plan and the Greenbelt Plan continue to apply to the subject lands. The settlement also requires the City through proposed policy amendments to the Official Plan to consider whether any portion of the subject lands that are currently part of the Protected Countryside designation may be appropriate for a request to the Province for potential removal from the Greenbelt Plan. These proposed policy amendments will be presented as part of a full public process at the time of the next Official Plan review and are subject to Council review and approval.

    Questions about the settlement should be directed to David Waters by email: or by phone: 905.874.2074.


  • On December 9, 2008, Brampton Brick submitted a planning application to the City of Brampton to rezone lands at Old Pinecrest Road and Winston Churchill Boulevard in the City of Brampton (Brampton-Norval Border) in order to permit the extraction of shale and related uses. The site has an area of 34.9 hectares or 97 acres.
  • In December 2008, Brampton Brick Ltd. submitted an application to the City of Brampton to rezone 34.9 hectares (97 acres) on the east side of Winston Churchill Boulevard, north of Old Pine Crest Road for the development of a shale quarry and related uses. The subject lands are situated within the Provincial Greenbelt Area of north west Brampton.
  • In January 2011, Brampton Brick Ltd. appealed its rezoning application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The initial pre-hearing conference has not been scheduled to date. Due to the appeal, Council no longer has jurisdiction on the rezoning application.
  • Brampton Brick Ltd. submitted an application for an Aggregate Resources Act Licence to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on August 12, 2010. During the initial objection period, the City of Brampton filed an objection in December 2010 on the grounds that the subject site was not zoned for the proposed quarry use and that there were outstanding concerns related to land use planning, transportation, natural environment, hydrogeology, surficial soil, visual, noise, cultural and social impacts, as determined by the initial peer review exercise.
  • In September 2012, City Council confirmed its objection to the ARA Licence application. To date, The MNRF has not made a decision on the ARA application. On May 10, 2016, Brampton Brick Ltd. requested that the MNRF refer the Licence application to the OMB, to be considered along with the rezoning application.
  • In September 2014, informed by three peer previews undertaken by the City’s consultants that identified number of deficiencies with the application and, based on input from the public and other stakeholders, City Council endorsed the staff recommendation not to support the re-zoning application, as proposed.
  • In May 2016, Brampton Brick Ltd. submitted revised materials and plans for the proposed Norval Quarry.​​​​

 Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

For more information on the re-zoning application or the City of Brampton's objection to the ARA Licence application, please contact David Waters, Policy Planner at 905.874.2074 or email: