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Supportive Housing Policy Review

​​​​​​​​​​The City recognizes t​he need to support and promote the provision of specialized housing for a diverse population, including persons with disabilities and those having special housing needs. Specialized housing is to be strategically located and integrated in the community to provide access to all public amenities, including transportation, parks and open spaces.

In September 2019 Council passed a motion to direct staff to review the City’s policies and regulations with respect to supportive housing, particularly Group Homes, to ensure that the policies and provisions have regard for Provincial legislation and requirements of regulatory bodies.

On November 20, 2019, Council passed Interim Control By-Law (ICBL) 286-2019 within Area 10, as set out in Schedule A of the Zoning By-Law that prohibits the use of land, building or structures in residential zones, for the purpose of Supportive Housing Facilities, Group Home Type 1 or Group Home Type 2, excluding retirement home, nursing home and senior citizen residence.

The ICBL is in effect for a nine-month period because of COVID-19, beginning November 20, 2019, while the City undertakes a City-wide review of the Official Plan policies and Zoning By-Law regulations with respect to this matter.

This Supportive Housing review is scheduled to be completed by October/November 2020, and will be completed in three phases:

Phase 1:

Background and benchmarking work, review of the Ontario Human Rights guide titled, ‘In the Zone: Housing, human rights and municipal planning – completed.

Phase 2:

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Engagement with Group Home Operators (February 27, 2020)

Public Open Houses:

Phase 3:

Stay Informed:

To be added to our mailing list for future meetings/correspondence, or for any other inquiries related to the City’s Supportive Housing Policies and Regulations, please contact:

Key Documents:

Additional Resour​ces:

Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

For more information on the City’s Supportive Housing Policies and Regulation or to be added to our mailing list for future meetings/correspondence, please contact Mirella Palermo, MCIP, RPP, Policy Planner at 905.874.2457 or email: