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Pools, Hot Tubs and Fences

​​​Pool Enclosures

A pool enclosure consists of the fences and gates that surround privately owned bodies of water in which the depth of the water at any point can exceed 0.6 metres (2’). A pool enclosure is required to be installed and maintained for spas, hot tubs, landscaped ponds, children's pools, wading pools and swimming pools.

The City of Brampton requires and regulates pool enclosures to ensure that the pool area is securely enclosed, so as to protect the public from easily accessing bodies of water on private property.

Pool Permits

Prior to the installation or construction of a private outdoor pool, property owners must obtain a Pool Fence Enclosure Permit from the City of Brampton’s Building Division. A Fill Permit and/or Road Occupancy and Access Permit is required for any excavation or installation of a privately owned pool.

The rules surrounding the installation and maintenance of pools and pool enclosures are outlined in the City of Brampton’s Pool Enclosure By-law. Guidelines and examples for appropriate construction of a Pool Enclosure can be found in the Pool Fence Enclosure Guide.

Hot Tubs​

There are exceptions to the requirements of a pool enclosure that are specific to hot tubs. In these cases, the hot tub should be equipped with a substantial cover that is capable of holding 90.72 kilograms (200 lbs), which is fitted to the hot tub and locked in place when not in use. Additionally, the hot tub must conform to the location and construction/dimension requirements that are outlined in the Pool Enclosure By-law.

Division Fences

General fence restrictions are in place to promote safety among the City of Brampton’s pedestrians and motorists by ensuring adherence to proper sightlines and visibility.

Fences in the side and rear yards are not permitted to exceed 2 metres (6’6”) in height, while fences in the front yard are not permitted to exceed 1 metre (3’3”) in height.

Additional regulations exist for fences on corner lots. Contact Zoning Services to obtain information on fence restrictions/guidelines for your property.

The City’s Line Fence By-law addresses neighbour disputes pertaining to property/division fences.


Contact By-law Enforcement

By-law Enforcement, Property Standards and Licensing Divisions

Flower City Community Campus
8850 McLaughlin Road South, Unit 2
Brampton, ON L6Y 5T1

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Contact By-Law Enforcement

Phone Service Brampton 24/7:
Dial 3-1-1 (within City limits)
905.874.2000 (outside City limits)
905.874.2130 (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone)