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Parking Enforcement

​The Enforcement Division operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Currently, Enforcement addresses approximately 8,000 calls a year from the public and, with Brampton's ever-increasing population, this number is expected to climb.​

Traffic By-law 93-93, as amended is the City of Brampton's comprehensive Traffic By-law. The Traffic By-law contains provisions that regulate Parking restrictions established to protect the safety of all residents. The City's Traffic By-law is to create harmonious neighbourhoods and communities.

Common Parking Concerns

3 hours and 2am to 6am

In addition to responding to requests from the public, Enforcement Officers enforce the City’s Traffic By-law which, amongst other things, stipulates that a vehicle may NOT be parked on the street:

  1. between the hours of 2 am and 6 am; and
  2. for more than three (3) hours at a time

unless exemptions known as Considerations to Park, are granted from the City. Parking By-law signs (see example below) are posted on every roadway entering the City of Brampton. These By-laws are City-wide, unless otherwise posted and identify the City of Brampton parking rules.

Parking Considerations

The City of Brampton does not currently offer permit parking on City streets, however, does give parking Considerations to allow residents to park on the street up to 14 days per calendar year, per license plate for the above two violations only. Considerations for any other parking violations will not be given. It is important to note that a Parking Consideration will not prevent you from receiving a ticket if your parked vehicle impedes snow clearing or road maintenance operations and other parking violations.

To obtain a Parking Consideration, see the Permission To Park On Street section of the website.

Accessible parking

The City of Brampton is committed to ensuring that people of all ages and abilities enjoy the same opportunities as they live, work, play and visit our City. This commitment includes ensuring access to appropriately marked, signed and maintained accessible parking spaces. Only vehicles displaying a valid Accessible Parking Permit (APP) are allowed to park in these spaces.

Parking in an accessible parking space without a valid accessible parking permit, may result fine. Access aisles are located beside accessible parking spaces and are marked with diagonal hatch markings. Parking on any portion of the access aisle may result in a fine.​

Accessible Parking Permits (APP)

  • Accessible Parking Permits are administered by Service Ontario and are issued to qualifying individuals.
  • There are 7 different permits that are issued by Service Ontario; for various lengths of time(s).
  • Each permit includes a category of (D)Driver, (DP)Driver/Passenger and (P)Passenger only.
  • They are not issued to specific vehicles; they can accompany the permit holder from car to car.
  • Permits cannot be shared between spouses, and/or shared between parent and child. Accessible Parking Permits issued to children should be issued to the child and not the parent or caregiver.

Accessible Parking Permits (APP) and Accessible Permit Enforcement

Vehicles parked in designated accessible parking spaces must clearly display valid accessible parking permit(APP), be used only by the person to whom it is issued to. For exemption, an Accessible Parking Permit must be clearly visible(including expiry date). Permit from other Countries and out of Province are permitted as long as they are valid and properly displayed. Permits cannot be defaced, altered or copied. Report misuse of and Accessible Parking Space or an Accessible Parking Permit by calling 3-1-1 or by using the Brampton 311 app.

An Enforcement Officers regularly patrol accessible parking spaces located at schools, retail locations and private properties. They are authorized to perform permit checks. Under the Highway Traffic Act, Section 28 (1), the permit shall be surrendered for the Officer to examine. If the Officer deems the permit to be misused, or in the case the permit holder is not persistent, the Officer can lay appropriate charges.

Permit(s) are required for exemptions for the following parking restrictions:

  • 2 am - 6 am (overnight) parking
  • No Parking zones
  • Pay & Display regulated on street parking
  • Meter parking on City streets
  • Designated accessible parking space(s) *

*Note, if an accessible parking space is located on a monitored property where payment is required to use the parking lot, following the on-site regulations should be followed to avoid further penalties

Bicycle Lanes

Parking and or stopping in designated bicycle lanes is prohibited.

Exemptions not granted with an Accessible Parking Permit

  • Fire Route (plazas, schools, private properties, townhouse complexes)
  • No Stopping zone
  • Timed offences (no parking or no stopping area during specific times)
  • 3 hour parking on street
  • bagged meter
  • access aisle (hatch marked areas adjacent to accessible parking spaces)

Fire Routes

Fire routes are mainly known as the driveways and laneways near entrances to services at buildings, stores and schools. Fire routes are in place to help Fire and Emergency Crews access buildings quickly in the event of an emergency. Blocking these routes, can be dangerous for everyone. You may receive a significant fine if you park or stop in a fire route, and your vehicle may also be towed.


Parking within 3 metres (10 feet) obstructs Fire and Emergency Crews from properly accessing a fire hydrant.


Running any motor vehicle's engine for longer than three (3) minutes consecutively, is considered idling.


Parking Meters and Pay & Display kiosks may be available on City streets, and City parking lots. Following the signage will assist with rules and regulations associated with parking in these areas. Report technical malfunctions by calling 3-1-1, or , they the downloadable Brampton 311 app.

Parking Meters and Pay & Display kiosks on private properties post their own specific rules and regulations. Parking in Accessible Parking Spaces ar these locations and, displaying a valid accessible parking permit (APP) may not exempt you from requiring to pay for parking.

Obstructing Traffic

Parking in a manner as to obstruct the flow of traffic.

Overhanging curb

Overhanging the curb may obstruct traffic flow and not limited to impede with road maintenance, slow clearing, refuse collection and/or service deliveries. No portion of a vehicle shall over hang a curb.

Oversized motor vehicles

An oversized motor vehicle is any vehicle that is more than 2.6 metres (8 feet 6 inches) high or greater than 6.7 metres (22 feet) in length. External attachments are included in the measurements. In general, they are excessively heavy for many residential driveways, they may leak fluid(s) and they may generate loud noises when starting up or running, possibly disturbing your neighbours.

The Zoning By-law does not permit the parking or storage of an oversized motor vehicle on any property in the City unless one of the following exceptions applies:

  • The vehicle is being used to make a delivery or provide a service on the property
  • The vehicle is accessory to a permitted use of the property with the exception of a home occupation
  • Catering vehicles
  • Tow trucks
  • School bus; the vehicle is a small school bus or a bussing van (maximum of 5 rows of seats for passengers) which is permitted to be parked on a property between 9 pm Sunday and 4 pm Friday from September 1 to June 30, of each year.

Private Property

Private Properties throughout the City may hire Private Property Enforcement Agencies​ to patrol and enforce specific parking violations on their properties. These agencies are trained and authorized by the City to issue City of Brampton Penalty Notices on the City’s behalf. Posting proper parking signage on the property conveys rules and encourages safe driving and parking practices.

Recreational vehicles

Traffic By-law 93-93 states that large vehicles or detached trailers are not permitted to park on the street in a residential area uness they are making a delivery or providing a service. A parking consideration can be obtained for a large vehicle, which is designed for recreational use. This includes motor homes or vehicles that are towing trailers with a recreational purpose. Parking considerations can be obtained for fourteen (14) days each calendar year, per licence plate. Detached trailers parked on the street are not eligible for a parking consideration and will be ticketed. All other parking offences will be enforced.


No portion of a vehicle can overhang onto the sidewalk, or obstruct any portion of the sidewalk. Sidewalk must remain clear at all times to allow for strollers, children and individuals requiring the use of an assistive device.


Leaving your vehicle parked in a manner to cause a violation, you may be subject to a Penalty Notice and or having vehicle towed.

Unauthorized parking

The Zoning By-law states that no vehicle can be parked or stored in a front or exterior side yard.


An unplated vehicle which does not bear a valid licence plate and/or permit sticker.

Other Parking Services

In addition to requests from the public, Enforcement Officers provide:

  • Special Attention Patrols for neighbourhood concerns, e.g., blocked sidewalks
  • School patrols to heighten safety awareness during peak drop off and pick up time
  • The Accessible Parking Space Designation on Private Property initiative
  • The Fire Route/Accessible Parking initiative
  • The Parking Enforcement Certification program for private security agencies

Contact By-law Enforcement

By-law Enforcement, Property Standards and Licensing Divisions

Flower City Community Campus
8850 McLaughlin Road South, Unit 2
Brampton, ON L6Y 5T1

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Contact By-Law Enforcement

Phone Service Brampton 24/7:
Dial 3-1-1 (within City limits)
905.874.2000 (outside City limits)
905.874.2130 (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone)