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Yard Maintenance

City of Brampton residents are required to maintain their property in a clean and tidy state, free from unsightly and hazardous conditions, contributing to the safety and appearance of the property and surrounding neighbourhood.

General Maintenance and Storage

Every yard should be kept clean and free from hazardous materials, domestic animal excrement, refuse, derelict furniture, hazards, substances that attract wildlife and infestations.

Firewood, Building materials, garden equipment, landscape equipment, pool equipment, lawn furniture, barbeques, or other similar objects (domestic storage) should be stored only in a rear yard in a neat and organized manner, not against a fence or property line and maintained to prevent excessive accumulation and unsightly conditions.

Every yard should be kept free of inoperable, discarded, dismantled or disused vehicles, trailers, boats and equipment.

All lawns should be kept free from overgrown grass and weeds (not exceeding 8 inches or 20 centimetres) and repaired when damaged.

Garbage Storage and Disposal

Every building and dwelling unit should have proper receptacles to contain all garbage, rubbish, and trade waste and should be maintained in a clean condition.

Garbage receptacles should be maintained in a clean, sanitary and operable conditions in an approved location.

In most cases, waste carts (for garbage, recycling and organics) provided by the Region of Peel are not permitted to be stored in the front yard facing a street. They must be stored in the garage, side yard between houses, or back yard. In cases where a property cannot reasonably store waste carts and containers at an interior side yard, rear yard or garage, the City may allow a reasonable alternate method of storage.

Waste carts may be stored in the front yard if:

  • a side yard is less than 1.0 metres;
  • access to the rear yard is less than the width of a waste cart;
  • there is no accessory building, carport or garage;
  • if a single-car garage is a required parking spot; or,
  • if there is no reasonable alternative (e.g. stairs to access side or rear yard).


Yards should be free from dead, decayed or damaged trees and protected by suitable ground cover than prevents the erosions of soil and reduces water runoff.

All hedges, shrubs, bushes, trees, and vegetation should be maintained and trimmed so as to not be unsightly or unreasonably overgrown in a fashion that may affect safety, visibility, or passage of the general public.

Driveways and Walkways

All parking and walking areas should be finished with a suitable material and maintained in a property graded and level condition, free from hazards.

No vehicle, trailer, or related equipment should be driven, parked, or stored on a surface other than a driveway or designated parking area that has been constructed in accordance with the City’s By-Laws (which does not include a walkway).

Every walkway and access route to a building that is accessible by the general public should be maintained so as to be kept free from ice and snow after a snowfall.


Contact By-law Enforcement

By-law Enforcement, Property Standards and Licensing Divisions

Flower City Community Campus
8850 McLaughlin Road South, Unit 2
Brampton, ON L6Y 5T1

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Contact By-Law Enforcement

Phone Service Brampton 24/7:
Dial 3-1-1 (within City limits)
905.874.2000 (outside City limits)
905.874.2130 (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone)