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Main Street North - Development Permit System


Main Street North has been identified as a distinct "C​haracter Area” within the Downtown Brampton precinct of the Central Area. It acts as the entry point into the historic Downtown Brampton and the Central Area as a whole. It is a unique and historical area, based on the lot pattern, the presence of older historical dwellings and remaining mature tree canopy. Originally a residential area, there has been a gradual and ongoing transition of the area to more commercial type uses. There has b​een a desire to properly capture its characteristics within the planning framework and set in place policies that would help the revitalization and respectful transformation of the area.

Development Permit System

To implement the desired policy framework, a new land use control tool available under the Planning Act called the Development Permit System (DPS) is being utilized.

  • The DPS combines zoning, site plan and minor variances into one approval with the aim of streamlining the planning approval process and facilitating redevelopment.
  • It also allows greater flexibility in the planning framework to secure important land use, urban design, streetscape and other objectives.

The Main Street North DPS applies to the lands that generally straddle Main Street North between Church Street and Vodden Street. It also includes lands on the east side of Isabella Street and Thomas Street as well as some lots on Victoria Terrace, William Street, Bird Avenue, Ellen Street, and Alexander Street. The Main Street North DPS came into force for the subject lands in December 2015.

For general background on the Development Permit System and an overview of the Main Street North Development Permit System, the presentation made to the Planning Design and Development Committee of April 6, 2009 is a useful reference. The Staff Planning Report also provides a good background to the unique characteristics of the area, the proposed planning goals and development permit systems in general.

Official Plan Amendment​

The Official Plan Amendment (OPA) provides the broad policy framework that established and supports the objectives of the Development Permit System area. The Official Plan Amendment can be found​ here.

Development Permit By-law​

The Developme​nt Permit By​-law and​ functions as a stand-alone by-law (not connected to the Zoning By-law). It has also been restructured to incorporate a vision section, the regulations, guidelines and processing aspects of development permits. Creating a stand-alone DPS by-law also required creating DPS General Provisions that serve as the basis for the Main Street North DPS area and future DPS area’s in the City.​​​​​