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Development Allocation Strategy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Managing Growth in Brampton

December, 2016 Update:

The Development All​ocation program has been temporarily suspended and will be re-visited in the future as part of the Official Plan Review.


In December 12, 2005, Co​uncil approved the City’s Strategic Response to Growth: Implementation and Transition Strategy. Through this Strategy, the allocation of approximately 5,500 residential units per year was granted. The Block Planning process is an integral tool for implementing the annual allocation of 5,500 units, providing the City with the mechanism to ensure the infrastructure requirements are met in a timely fashion.

 Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

For more information, please co​ntact a Gro​wth Management Policy Planner by calling 905.874.2050 or email your questions or comments to