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Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study is located within the Queen Street Corridor Secondary Plan (Area 36), more specifically it includes the properties along Queen Street East between Etobicoke Creek and Highway 410.

The Queen Street Corridor is planned to attract significant growth through revitalization and infill/intensification that will continue the transformation of the area into a transit and pedestrian oriented district. The Queen Street Corridor is identified as an Urban Growth Centre in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2017) and is directed to achieve a minimum gross density target of 200 people and jobs combined per hectare by 2031.

​At its November 11, 2017 meeting, Council enacted Interim Control By-law (ICBL) 246-2017 to protect lands along Queen Street East from new uses or development (the erection, enlargement or replacement of existing land, buildings and structures) that may prejudice the outcome of the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Planning Study being undertaken in the area. The ICBL generally prohibits the establishment of new uses but includes exceptions for uses that are considered to not affect the City’s ability to achieve its planning objectives for the study area if they are established in existing buildings.

In 2018, the City retained WSP Canada Group Ltd. to complete the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Planning Study, which involves the following:

  1. To determine what amendments are needed to ensure the Secondary Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations are compatible with the vision for this area and facilitate development that is in keeping with the Urban Growth Centre policies; and
  2. To recommend a strategy on how to manage interim uses to accommodate reasonable changes to existing low-density commercial uses while also ensuring that they will not hinder the City’s ability to achieve its growth forecasts and the planning objectives for the area.

Open House

The City held an informal Open House on June 20, 2018 to present the results of the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study background analysis that has been completed by WSP. City of Brampton – Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study Open House Notice

Second Open House

A second open ho​use meeting was held on June 12, 2019 to present the preferred approach for managing transition, including the policy, zoning and urban design framework and to receive feedback from residents on the preferred approach. City of Brampton – Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study Open House Notice.

July 10, 2019 Planning and Development Committee Meeting

A presentation was made by WSP and a Recommendation Report was approved at th​e July 10, 2019 Planning and Development Committee meeting. The purpose of the Recommendation Report was:

  1. To provide a summary of the analysis that has been completed to date by WSP for the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study; and
  2. To seek direction to proceed with a statutory public meeting to present the draft policy and zoning recommendations of the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study.

Statutory Public Meeting

A statutory public meeting was held on September 9, 2019 to provide information to the public and seek feedback on the proposed amendments to the City’s policies and zoning provisions for the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study. A copy of the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study Public Meeting Notice can be found ​here.

As part of the statutory public meeting, an Information Report ​was forwarded to the September 9, 2019 Planning and Development Services Committee Meeting. This report was received by the Planning and Development Services Committee Meeting. A copy of the ​​ meeting minutes can be found here.

Recommendation Report and Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments

On October 2​1, 2019, a Recommendation Report was brought to Planning and Development Committee. The final Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study – Zoning Conformity Analysis Report prepar​ed by WSP (dated September 2019) is included in the Recommendation Report as Appendix 6. The Recommendation Report was approved by Planning and Development Committee. A copy of the meeting minutes can be found here.

On October 23, 2019, Council enacted the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment as OP ​2006-175 and BL 262-2019. A copy of the meeting minutes can be found here.

Notice of Adoption of Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment

The City’s Clerk Office issued a Notice of Adoption of Official Plan Amendment OP2006-175 and By-law 262-2019 on November 7, 2019, with November 27, 2019, being identified as the last day of appeal. No appeals were filed.

 Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

For more information on the Queen Street Corridor Land Use Study, please contact Michelle Gervais, MCIP, RPP​, Policy Planner III at 905.874.2073 or email: