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ActiveAssist FAQs


  1. ​Green fee’s at Peel Village Golf Course;
  2. Private or Semi-Private lessons;
  3. Family Lessons
  4. Personal Training;
  5. Room, facility or field rentals;
  6. Point-of-Sale Purchases;
  7. 10X tickets;
  8. Extra Fees; and
  9. Third party programming 

​Please feel free to contact ActiveAssist Brampton support staff via:

Phone: 905.874.2313

​To be considered for ActiveAssist Brampton, applicants must:

  • Provide proof of residency (eg. utility bill, lease agreement, driver’s license, etc).
  • Provide proof of total family net income.
  • Provide proof of legal responsibility for all dependents listed on the application.
​Visit here​ to see what you need to qualify.​

Note: A list of acceptable support documentation is available on the ActiveAssist Brampton Program Application Form.

​To apply for ActiveAssist Brampton, submit your completed application package (Program Application Form and photocopies of the supporting documentation) by using one (1) of the following methods:

  • Online applications are strongly encouraged
  • Drop off at any Recreation Centre
  • By mail addressed to:
    City of Brampton – Subsidy and Support, Recreation
    ActiveAssist Brampton
    2 Wellington St. W., Brampton, ON
    L6Y 4R2

​Each eligible ActiveAssist Brampton participant will be enrolled for a two-year period.

Please Note: Expired ActiveAssist subsidy allocation will not be automatically renewed for you. If your ActiveAssist subsidy has expired and you would like to renew, please re-apply. A member of our team will connect with you once we have received your completed application. 

Once received, all applications are reviewed and you will be contacted by email or telephone to
indicate whether you have been approved or not approved. This will take up to three (3) weeks upon receipt of the application package.

To qualify for ActiveAssist Brampton, applicants must:

  • Be a resident of Brampton and be able to provide proof of residency;
  • Have a total combined family income below the Low Income Cut Off (LICO) and be able to provide supporting documentation that shows total family net income (individuals may also apply); and
  • Provide proof that all dependents are both the legal responsibility of the adult and reside in
    the adult’s household.

​Applicants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to be eligible for the ActiveAssist Brampton. Dependents under eighteen (18) years of age cannot apply as an individual. A parent or legal guardian must complete the application on their behalf.

Guardians of children/youth in care can apply through their caseworkers who will submit applications on their behalf.​

  • ActiveAssist is a two (2) year program.
  • Once approved each eligible ActiveAssist Brampton participant will receive an annual subsidy amount in the form of an account credit ($275 per person per year) that can be applied to program registrations and camps.
  • On your first year anniversary, you will automatically receive your next $275 credit per person
  • Credits cannot be carried over from year to year. You must use your entire $275 credit before your anniversary date.

​The system does refund ActiveAssist credits at time of withdrawal. If the ActiveAssist funds have expired the client will not regain access to the previously used funds and they will not be eligible for a refund. Clients will need to re-apply for new funding or wait for the next cycle/year to be available.

Once you have received notice that you have been approved for ActiveAssist subsidy credits, you will be able to view the credit balance on your account.

  • Sign into your Recreation Registration account here.
  • Select the family member from the client list
  • Scroll down to “Subsidy Allocations”
  • Expand the menu to view the subsidy credit summary​

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