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Registration FAQ


Current registration dates are listed on the Register for Programs page.​

  • Login to your City of Brampton Recreation account in advance of registration to ensure all personal information for all family members is correct and there are no concerns with the login process. If changes to your account are required or you need to assistance with your login in, email​
  • Add your most up-to-date credit card information to the "Financial Information" section to allow for a quicker checkout. 
  • Browse programs ahead of time and make a list of your top choices when courses are viewable online. Plan ahead and save course IDs. If registering in person, have a list ready. 
  • Check back before registration opens to note any potential added courses or course changes. 
  • Do not refresh or close the page while payment is being processed.
  • We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser for the best experience. ​

While our recommended tips can help increase your odds of successful registration, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will secure a spot in your desired program or activity. If your registration attempt is unsuccessful, we strongly encourage you to join a waitlist as soon as possible. In the event of spots opening, our staff will call waitlisted individuals in the order that they joined.

We’ve been working hard to improve our online registration system to provide a fair and reliable user experience. We’ve improved the registration system by: 
  • enabling a virtual waiting room to help stabilize high demands of traffic 
  • staggering registrations  across two separate dates to help manage site traffic 
  • delaying swimming lesson and skating lesson registration until closer to the end of the session to help customers know the correct level to register into

We have implemented a virtual waiting room and queuing system to ensure an equitable and fair process, it will alleviate system slowdowns and disruptions. The virtual waiting room is a static web page that displays the user's place in the queue in real-time and provides an estimate for when the user will reach the front of the queue. At 5:45am all users are placed into a virtual waiting room and at 6am the queuing system begins. At 6am, individuals are assigned an order randomly to enter the system – when it is the user's turn to access the site, they will then be able to enter the registration system and complete their transactions.​ When it is the user's turn to access the site, they will then be able to enter the registration system and complete their transaction. 

Once you enter the system, all registrations can be completed at one time. You will be able to add all programs to your cart and complete registration and check-out without losing your spot or having to re-enter the system.   ​

Yes, everyone will be entered into a queue, however having your barcodes ready before entering the system will allow for smoother, more efficient registration.   ​

You will be able to browse for programs until 5:45 am the morning of registration. At 5:45 am all users will be placed into a virtual waiting room and at 6 am the queuing system will begin. Do not close your browser. If you log in earlier than 5:45 am, you will need to refresh your browser after 5:45 am to be entered into the queue. ​

By changing the Date Range filter start date to the start of the program season, customers will be able to browse only programs that have yet to start and are open for registration.



If you are unable to add yourself to a program waitlist, it is because the waitlist for the program is currently full. In this case, the program will be displayed with a “More Info” button.​

Drop-in programs are one-time use, pay-as-you-go programs that are not part of a multi-date course.​

Registered sessional programs are part of a series that take place over the course of several weeks. Participants attend each class on the scheduled date and time to complete the program.

No, a membership commitment is not required to access Recreation Centres. There are a variety of per visit and pay-as-you-go options available to residents. More information on membership options can be found here​.

New users can create an account one quickly and easily by visiting us online​, clicking “Sign up” and by following the prompts. If you have never had a recreation account before, use any email you wish. All adult family members in the same household should use one account email and password, not create a separate account for each user.

For complete step-by-step guides, how-to videos,​ FAQs and more, visit You can also email, call 311, or visit any Brampton Recreation Facility for more assistance.